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Wikipedia:Top 25 Report/September 20 to 26, 2015

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Top 25 Report: Most Popular Wikipedia Articles of the Week (September 20 to 26, 2015)


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Rank Article Class Views Image Notes
1 Pope Francis   1,299,584 The Pope visited the United States, a week after becoming the first pontifex in Cuba.
2 Pablo Escobar 941,721 Down from #1 after a three week lead, as those seeing Wagner Moura (pictured) playing the famed Colombian drug lord on Narcos keep on researching him.
3 Whitey Bulger 876,879 This American criminal got a biopic about his life, Black Mass, where he's played by Johnny Depp.
4 Yogi Berra 861,806 The Hall of Famer baseball player died at the age of 90.
5 Martin Shkreli 859,883 The founder of Turing Pharmaceuticals is now a widely hated person for medicine price hiking.
6 Night of Champions (2015) 800,143 The latest WWE pantomime, featuring among others Sting.
7 Scream Queens (2015 TV series) 760,169 Fox has released this comedy horror series that is the latest endeavor by Ryan Murphy of Glee and American Horror Story fame.
8 Everest (2015 film) 610,990
Universal Pictures took the unusual step of releasing this historical disaster pic (loosely based on the true-life account Into Thin Air) in premium widescreen and IMAX theatres only, before going wide next week. The strategy seems to have paid off, at least mildly, with a $7.5 million opening weekend.
9 Rockbitch 609,064
Reddit learned about this all-female metal British band which was pagan and overtly sexual.
10 Yom Kippur 597,048
The Jewish "Day of Atonement" occurs 10 days after Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah), and involves fasting, repentance and prayer.
11 Jackie Collins 586,769 Best-selling romance novelist Jacqueline Collins died two weeks before her 78th birthday.
12 Eid al-Adha 560,644
The arrival of the other major Muslim holiday, after Eid al-Fitr, was marked by a sharp rise in interest. The "Feast of the Sacrifice" honours Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael (Muslims read that story a bit differently) by sacrificing animals and dividing the portions among family, friends and the poor. If that seems a bit old-fashioned to you, ask yourself how much sympathy you've ever felt for your Christmas turkey.
13 Deaths in 2015 545,309
The viewing figures for this article have been remarkably constant; fluctuating week to week between 450 and 550 thousand on average, apparently heedless of who actually died.
14 George Hotz 478,362 Reddit remembered the 17 year old that unlocked the original iPhone back in 2007.
15 Robert Black (serial killer) 450,255 The most disturbing of those Reddit-propelled articles.
16 2015 Rugby World Cup 421,973 The latest edition of rugby union's quadrennial tournament kicked off in England.
17 Carly Fiorina 403,701
The Republican potential presidential candidate continues to hold her own, even with the fierce competition of our next entry...
18 Donald Trump 401,070
The Donald's presidential campaign continues to stir the media, as shown by a New York article, Trump's appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and an episode of South Park where he is murdered.
19 List of Bollywood films of 2015 396,409
Not an unusual visitor to the Top 25.
20 Gotham (TV series) 380,498
The second season of the televisual reboot of the Batman franchise premiered on September 21.
21 How to Get Away with Murder 354,620 One of the new shows that hit the airwaves was this drama where a teacher is caught in a murder plot.
22 John Boehner 350,810 One day after the Pope (#1) visited Washington, the Speaker of the House of Representatives announced his resignation. His successor will be elected in October.
23 Narcos 349,481
The TV series about the rise of Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar (see #2) premiered in its entirety on Netflix on August 28.
24 List of superheroines 345,207 For some reason, this got a popularity bump, with legitimate views. Go figure.
25 Fear the Walking Dead C-Class 339,370
The first season of AMC's spin-off to their hit series The Walking Dead is about to end.