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Wikipedia:Motto of the day/Schedule/Archive 2007

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



01-01 "Don't ever try, don't ever fail." This is not what Wikipedia is about- BE BOLD
01-02 #REDIRECT Wikipedia ON WHEELS!
01-03 God Save the Jimbo!
01-04 More accurate than a sniper.
01-05 When All Else Fails, Assume Good Faith!
01-06 Better than school.
01-07 Vandalism is futile. You will be reverted.
01-08 Wikipedia: It shouldn't work, but it does.
01-09 Know that thy evil shall be reverted, o vile vandals.
01-10 Wikipedia is an encyclopaedia best served verified.
01-11 Knowledge, Please
01-12 Your mottos here!
01-13 We will edit you.
01-14 "If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?" - Albert Einstein
01-15 Wikipedia: If you were an encyclopedia, it'd edit you.
01-16 Vandal tested, Jimbo approved.
01-17 Never floccinaucinihilipilificate the value of nerdiness.
01-18 An army of nerds doing you homework for you, for free.
01-19 Every good encylopedia includes exploding whales!
01-20 So big, not even Chuck Norris can read it all.
01-21 Move over, Britannica!
01-22 Better and better, little by little.
01-23 Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my edit count do you? (Yoda)
01-24 Give me a cookie! And I will reward you. Give me a good edit and the world rewards you.
01-25 Wikipedia is, like, so not the place for POV.
01-26 I'm not heartless, just neutral.
01-27 Curiosity not only kills cats, it makes us Wikipedians smarter.
01-28 Not a free encyclopedia - the free encyclopedia.
01-29 And a wiseman showed them the way to the future.
01-30 Wikipedia: where your knowledge makes it.
01-31 If you're hungry for knowledge, Wikipedia is a 6,899,155-course meal.


02-01 \|/3 eakspay eei'ou weeerd languages doubleplusgoodwise.
02-02 It's not true because we say it; we say it because it's true.
02-03 And so, my fellow Wikipedians, ask not what your wiki can do for you; ask what you can do for your wiki.
02-04 NPOV - Never Post Obvious Vandalism.
02-05 You don't want to vandalize pages. You want to be a helpful contributor, and promote articles to featured status.
02-06 Those vandals need to learn that we're a lot faster than they are.
02-07 Make love, not war.
02-08 Robot: Automated motto generation
02-09 Impossible to see the future is.
02-10 Power to the 'Pedians!
02-11 Socks are for feet, not hands.
02-12 Just Edit.
02-13 Lucky numbers: 42, 61,686,415, 6,899,155, 493, 3.1415926535…
02-14 Wikipedia: No #%$&*~! censorship.
02-15 Give me featured status, or give me death!
02-16 Scientia potentia est.
02-18 The keyboard is mightier than the pen and sword!
02-19 Everything from an exclamation mark to some weird gothic letter
02-20 Don't make me revert you.
02-21 We know you can edit it. It's meant to be like that.
02-22 This collection of mottos is incomplete. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.
02-23 We... want... your... brains!
02-24 Laptop... $100. Battery... $31. Encyclopedia... priceless.
02-25 Jimbo is not a whale - but these are!
02-26 Wikipedia: No sense of humor.
02-27 Many wikis, one Wikipedia.
02-28 Wikipedia:The only hobby you have to take a break from.


03-01 Please, think of the kittens. Edit Wikipedia instead.
03-02 All your edits are belong to us!
03-03 Do not reject the fact that Wikipedia continuously grows.
03-04 Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses. (Confucius)
03-05 Point, Click, Edit
03-06 Edit me once, good on you, Edit me twice, good on me.
03-07 Reverts Happen
03-08 All I need is a good article, and a keyboard to edit her by.
03-09 Ready, Aim, Revert!
03-10 Favour the bold!
03-11 Don't sit there like a block on a log, edit!
03-12 Save the trees!
03-13 It's a way of life!
03-14 Articles not up to standards will be dipped in acid.
03-15 Dude, where's my page?
03-16 Newbies are friends, not food.
03-17 There is still good in them.
03-18 Never underestimate the power of stupid things in large numbers.
03-19 We pity the fools!
03-20 POV not included.
03-21 Blocks are not toys!
03-22 Wikipedia, like the world, keeps on growing.
03-23 Tabled for discussion
03-24 Any edit, whether it is a minor or major one, is never wasted.
03-25 When in doubt, ask about.
03-26 You could be the missing piece to the giant puzzle.
03-27 Wikipedia [You're needed]
03-28 Wikipedia is communism! socialism! democracy! gift economy!
03-29 Just keep editing. Just keep editing. Just keep editing, editing, editing...
03-30 Popups here are not for advertising.
03-31 Wikipedia: Where you can choose whether you want popups.


04-01 Wikipedia:Motto of the day/April 1, 2007
04-02 I have a dream that one day every article shall be featured.
04-03 Wikipedia, anyone?
04-04 Boldly going where no encyclopedia has gone before.
04-05 Okay vandals, this is the Police, get your hands off the keyboard and nobody will get hurt!
04-06 Surely 48,144,392 users can't all be wrong!
04-07 How to teach people everything you know in five simple steps.
04-08 That's one small edit for Wikipedia, one giant leap for knowledge.
04-09 Did you know... that the English Wikipedia alone has 61,686,415 pages?
04-10 Information indeed wants to be free, and we are its liberators.
04-11 Shave the Wales
04-12 Don't revert until you can see the diffs of their edits!
04-13 It's your encyclopedia, edit it.
04-14 Welcome.
04-15 This is your encyclopedia. This is your encyclopedia on Wiki. Any questions?
04-16 There are alternatives to fighting.
04-17 Save the Wales
04-18 When vandals get tough, editors get tougher!
04-19 There's no place like Wikipedia.


04-21 You're gonna need a bigger server.
04-22 W.P. phone home.
04-23 Take your stinking paws off them, you damned dirty apes!
04-24 I love the smell of reverted vandalism in the morning.
04-25 Your 2 Cents do matter even if everyone else thinks they have 10.
04-26 So be it, Vandal. If you can not be turned, you will be blocked.
04-27 My precious.
04-28 Wikipedia is people!
04-29 The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us

This encyclopedia in a nutshell This encyclopedia in a nutshell:
Wikipedia is a: neutral and unbiased compilation of previously written, verifiable facts.


05-01 Not MySpace, our space!
05-02 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
05-03 Wikipedia: So what are you lookin' at? Start editing!
05-04 Only five pillars are needed for a strong foundation.
05-05 Void where prohibited.
05-06 I tawt I taw a vandaw!
05-07 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. POV not included.
05-08 Please give us some AID.
05-09 Veni, Vidi, Wiki
05-10 Contribute to what you can in life.
05-11 Love thy neighbor as thy love thyself.
05-12 Wiki: Just Say No Yes!
05-13 The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
05-14 No, I am your father!
05-15 — The preceding unsigned motto was added by Motto of the Day (talkcontribs).
05-16 I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.
05-17 Wars not make one great.
05-18 What if knowledge were a place?
05-19 There is no such thing as damage that can't be repaired.
05-20 This motto is not POV!
05-21 Hostiles to starboard, ready guns. Firing solution in two seconds!
05-22 A fact is worth a thousand speculations.
05-23 Noli nothis permittere te terere.
05-24 Article, I am your editor.
05-25 Live in your world, edit in ours.
05-26 And now our featured presentation...
05-27 Quod scripsi, scripsi.
05-28 The pinnacle of evolution is now among us: Homo Vicipaedicus!
05-29 Don't mess with the best.
05-30 It takes a licking and keeps on ticking.
05-31 Six years. 6,899,155 articles. One encyclopedia.


06-01 Can't touch this!
06-02 We'll get you, my pretties, and your little dogs too!
06-03 All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today.
06-04 The best way to destroy our enemies is to make them our friends.
06-05 An editor's work is never done.
06-06 GIT-R-DONE!
06-07 And we would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those pesky kids.
06-08 A person's a person, no matter how small.
06-09 Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto
06-10 They're no match for droidekas!
06-11 The Free Encyclopedia
06-12 Do not let trolls guard the bridge to knowledge!
06-13 Never the same encyclopedia twice.
06-14 Wikipedia: It's all you can eat! ...or not.
06-15 What Wikipedian's work will we wreck, William?
06-16 Here today, gone tomorrow.
06-17 Leading the charge in the War on Error!
06-18 Anti-armor. Mark that position. Go!
06-19 Assume snipe positions, commandos.
06-20 Going once, going twice... Sold! For... free?
06-21 Britannica, meet your match.
06-22 Be nice to Wikipedians. They outnumber you 48,144,392 to one.
06-23 Push those cannons to the stern! Load the ammo and the ordnance!
06-24 With 6,899,155 articles, no wonder they didn't make Wikipedia into a book.
06-25 Wikipedians are so technologically advanced that they can travel through portals!
06-26 We need suppressing fire on those grenadiers!
06-27 I'm lovin' it!
06-28 Fire. The Wheel. The Lightbulb. Wikipedia.
06-29 Hey! Friendly fire! Friendly fire!
06-30 "Sergeant, get those troopers into the gunship!" "Yes, sir!"


07-01 Learn something new every day.
07-02 "Oh? What do you mean, real life? I'm already typing in real life!"
07-03 Can you edit? Yes you can!
07-04 Wikipedia: as big as you think.
07-05 Darn it, Jim, we're Wikipedians, not babysitters!
07-06 Three strikes and you're out!
07-07 Look before you leap.
07-08 We will not condone a course of action that could lead us to war.
07-09 Truly wonderful, the mind of a newbie is.
07-10 Brave, but, foolish, friends. You are impossibly outnumbered.
07-11 "You call this a diplomatic solution?""No, we call it aggressive negotiations."
07-12 Don't you have better things to do?
07-13 Insert motto here.
07-14 Send in the militia, infantry, cavalry, and siege weapons!
07-15 One does not simply edit into Mordor.
07-16 A vandal once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti... and then I blocked him.
07-17 To err is to be human. That's why we have preview buttons.
07-18 Your opinion is worth nothing here, but your knowledge is priceless.
07-19 Read me
07-20 Wikipedia, all you need to know.
07-21 Hold the line! Revert any vandals you see. We're going to get to the bottom of this.
07-22 R.E.S.P.E.C.T
07-23 What do you want to learn today?


07-25 Over our crashed servers!
07-26 Bravery never goes out of fashion.
07-27 Vandalism is, like, so 15 seconds ago. Helpful contributions are all the rage now!
07-28 Wikipedia: Factual, neutral, well-written articles on important real-world topics
07-29 I don't think, I know.
07-30 Don't worry about making an article perfect. Just make it better.
07-31 I just saved a bunch of money on information by switching to Wikipedia!


08-01 Don't say we didn't warn you.
08-02 When hundred thousand edits you reach, look as good, you will not.
08-03 Be nice to editors. Chances are they'll end up voting for you.
08-04 WIKIPEDIA: 15 minutes could save you 100% on information.
08-05 I just saved a bunch of money on paper by switching to Wikipedia.
08-06 Truth: the way it should be
08-07 Send in the droids!
08-08 If the knowledge is right, use it
08-09 Wikipedia: Raising the bar.
08-10 A journey of a thousand edits starts with a single click.


Every page is sacred,
Every edit's great.
If a page is wasted,
PROD gets quite irate.

08-12 Save the user and jail the pusher
08-13 The encyclopedia of many faces
08-14 An edit saved is an edit earned
08-15 Wikipedia wasn't built in an edit
08-16 Read me, feed me, but never ever leave me
08-17 Every good encyclopedia has gnus, GNUs, news, Wales, Wales, and Whales!
08-18 Every good encyclopedia has its own parody.
08-19 Wikipedia: not the place for jokes, except here
08-20 The following preview has been approved for all audiences.
08-21 Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
08-22 Welcome to the Wiki Age.
08-23 Wikipedia: where nerds fit in.
08-24 Help! Call the police! Someone violated 3RR!
08-25 Wikipedia ≠ the world...yet.
08-26 Wikipedia is where it's at
08-27 No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
08-28 To complete Wikipedia is to complete human knowledge.
08-29 You can do it when you SPEW it
08-30 Think inside the box.
08-31 Our flaming fists of fury will destroy you, fiends! Ha ha ha… oh man, who writes this stuff!?


09-01 0 to 60 (reverts) in less than 30 minutes!
09-02 A picture is worth a thousand words
09-03 Every day and in every way, we're getting better and better.
09-04 It can get pretty hot when one doesn't keep their cool.
09-05 It's wikipedia.org, not wikipedia.com.
09-06 I get by with a little help from my friends.
09-07 The place to go, for what you need to know.
09-08 We sense you, Vandals.
09-09 Wikipedia: Land of the free, home of the brave.
09-10 Wikipedia, the ink saving encyclopedia.
09-11 We are watching you
09-12 48,144,392 people working overtime... and unpaid.
09-13 A do it yourself encyclopedia.
09-14 Where are your two cents?
09-15 Think outside the box.
09-16 Wait, wait. We're not here to start WW III.
09-17 An operator will be with you shortly.
09-18 Oh yeah? Well my encyclopedia could beat up your encyclopedia.
09-19 It is always ironic when a Wikipedian misspells "encyclopidic."
09-20 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
09-21 "To be or not to be, that is the question."
09-22 It's a little thing called "Style". Look it up some time.
09-23 Freedom is the right to do anything that the law permits
09-24 Edit with style.
09-25 Knowledge is global, so share it.
09-26 Shhh! We're sneaking up on the vandals. Got your guns?
09-27 E(xcellence) = m(ultitude of users) × c(licks of the edit button)2
09-28 What part of wiki don't you understand?
09-29 Calm down, it's only the world's largest online free encyclopedia?
09-30 Many will enter, few will win.
09-31 Gotta catch 'em all!


10-01 Wikipedian tested, doctor approved.
10-02 Just do it.
10-03 So easy, a caveman can do it!
10-04 Just the facts, ma'am
10-05 Do you feel lucky?
10-06 Some people say this motto is awesome…
10-07 If you don't like the articles on Wikipedia, just wait a few minutes.
10-08 This is your brain. This is your brain on Wikipedia. Any questions?
10-09 Unity, Duty, and Destiny.
10-10 Are you on the list?
10-11 Save the article, save Wikipedia.
10-12 Ceci n'est pas un wiki.
10-13 Add any POV you like, as long as it's neutral.
10-14 The more you sweat in training, the less you'll bleed in battle.
10-15 Remember to keep your hands off the wheel at all times.
10-16 If it is to be, it is up to me.
10-17 When on Wikipedia, do as the Wikipedians do.
10-18 Beware of frostbite from cool Wikipedians.
10-19 Everyone has a purpose in life. Perhaps yours is editing Wikipedia.
10-20 About 0.05% of humans are Wikipedian. You could be one too.
10-21 Boredom sucks. Wikipedia doesn't.
10-22 There ain't no such thing as a free encyclopedia. Oh, yes there is!
10-23 Revenge is a dish best not served.
10-24 Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.
10-25 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Wiki
10-26 We eat vandalism for breakfast!
10-27 I am just going away. I may be some time.
10-28 Can you hear me now? Good.
10-29 Help! I need somebody.
10-30 If you get yourself in jail, don't expect an easy bail.


11-01 Please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible
11-02 It's Now or never!
11-03 Notice anything unusual?
11-04 Only you can prevent vandal attacks.
11-05 Welcome to Wikipedia. No socks allowed, unless you have a good reason.
11-06 Float like a butterfly, Sting like a bee.
11-07 Searching for targets... Targets confirmed! Launch the heat seekers!
11-08 The hills are alive with the sound of music.
11-09 The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
11-10 After spending so much time memorizing the rules, I found this.
11-11 Three's Company
11-12 Keep it simple, stupid.


11-14 Often imitated, never duplicated
11-15 Turn that frown upside down.
11-16 Yabba Dabba Doo!
11-17 Any kind of knowledge you want, seems a lot closer.
11-18 You must first give in order to receive.
11-19 T-minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0!
11-20 Any last words?
11-21 Well, you don't have to be so technical about it
11-22 Say hello to my little friend.
11-23 POP! goes the weasel.
11-24 An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.
11-25 Be all the "B" you can be.
11-26 Good, better, best.
11-27 Wikipedia: The answer to life's many questions.
11-28 The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything
11-29 A little kindness goes a long way
11-30 The truth is in here.


12-01 For quality purposes, your edits will be monitored and recorded.
12-02 Copy bad. Cite good.
12-03 I know what you did last time.
12-04 To put everything in balance is good, to put everything in harmony is better.
12-05 WARNING: Editcountitis can be fatal; if symptoms persist, please consult your doctor.
12-06 Why watch television when you can use Wikipedia?
12-07 Affirmative, Gold Leader. We don't copy.
12-08 Parental Advisory: Explicit Content
12-09 The future is what you make of it.
12-10 If this is your limit, you can't exceed it; If you exceed it, it's not your limit.
12-11 Don't Google it, Wikipedia it!
12-12 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
12-13 Faster than lightning
More accurate than an arrow
Larger than a mountain
12-14 The power of the encyclopedia is in your hands.
12-15 The buck stops here
12-16 Have Source - Will Edit
12-17 Knowledge is prerequisite to survival
12-18 Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
12-19 Will edit for food.
12-20 Ich bin ein Wikipedian.
12-21 In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas.
12-22 Three is the magic number.
12-23 Now I know my ABCs!
12-24 Wikipedia is chewing gum for the mind.
12-25 T'was the night before Wikipedia, when all through the 'net
Not a creature was learning, not even my pet;
The software was written and the servers were sound
In the hopes that knowledge would be spread all around.

Merry Christmas, from the crew at Motto of the Day!
12-26 Moving isn't all that bad...
12-27 Those that I fight I do not hate, those that I guard I do not love.
12-28 Blue is the new red!
12-29 Wipe them out—all of them. (Palpatine)
12-30 A bird in the air is worth two on the ground.
12-31 When mint becomes berry, what do you become?