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Wikipedia:Featured articles in other languages/Dutch

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The table below lists the featured articles for a given "foreign-" (i.e., non-English-)language Wikipedia initially sorted by the number of corresponding articles in other Wikipedias. The "Languages" column indicates the number of articles on all Wikipedias corresponding to the other-language featured article; the "#" column provides a ranking based on this sorting.

The "Articles in English" column shows to what extent the other-language articles are represented on the English Wikipedia (en-wiki):

  • The ✓ green background means the other-language article exists about that specific topic in en-wiki, using an appropriate English title.
  • The ✗ red background means the other-language article does NOT have a one-to-one correspondence on en-wiki. Where there is a red-linked title, no article exists with an identical or corresponding title. A blue-linked title indicates a redirect to an en-wiki page, which can also be a dab page or a section in another subject's article. A link of the form {{d:Q12345678}} points to a Wikidata item with either the same name as the other-language article title or what is believed to be an appropriate corresponding name.
  • Icons indicate high-quality articles in en-wiki: is a featured article, is a good article. (No other quality levels are shown; the lack of an icon means merely that the English article is neither FA nor GA.)

Article list

Article list of "Wikipedia:featured articles" in Dutch
# Articles in Dutch instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 Aarde terrestrial planet, inner planet of the Solar System Earth 346
2 Verenigde Naties intergovernmental organization, international organization United Nations 343
3 Filipijnen country, sovereign state, archipelagic state Philippines 320
4 New York city in the United States New York City 310
5 Mars superior planet, inner planet of the Solar System Mars 289
6 Californië U.S. state California 272
7 Praag regions of the Czech Republic, enclave, electoral unit Prague 259
8 Sao Tomé en Principe country, republic, island country São Tomé and Príncipe 257
9 Barcelona city, municipality of Catalonia Barcelona 239
10 Augustus human Augustus 234
11 Christoffel Columbus human Christopher Columbus 233
12 Franz Kafka human Franz Kafka 224
13 Slangen organisms known by a particular common name Snake 219
14 Zoogdieren taxon Mammal 217
15 Marco Polo human Marco Polo 203
16 Ernest Hemingway human Ernest Hemingway 201
17 Spinnen taxon Spider 193
18 Philadelphia county seat, consolidated city-county, home rule municipality of Pennsylvania Philadelphia 191
19 Evolutie type of process Evolution 188
20 Opwarming van de Aarde human impact on the environment, environmental issue, atmospheric phenomenon Climate change 186
21 Virus taxon Virus 186
22 Kikkers taxon Frog 182
23 Kilimanjaro tourist attraction, massif, dormant volcano Mount Kilimanjaro 175
24 Byzantijnse Rijk historical country, historical period Byzantine Empire 174
25 Lodewijk XIV van Frankrijk human Louis XIV 173
26 Mythologie genre, type of world view Mythology 172
27 Geoffrey Chaucer human Geoffrey Chaucer 169
28 Schildpadden taxon Turtle 166
29 James Madison human James Madison 165
30 Genetica science, academic discipline, branch of biology Genetics 155
31 Zand Sand 153
32 Titanic shipwreck, four funnel liner Titanic 153
33 Timoer Lenk human Timur 152
34 Constantijn de Grote human Constantine the Great 147
35 Hagedissen taxon Lizard 142
36 Heraclitus human Heraclitus 141
37 Henry David Thoreau human Henry David Thoreau 138
38 Formule 1 world championship, automobile racing series Formula One 137
39 Stendhal human, mononym Stendhal 133
40 Pruisen historical country Prussia 130
41 Vlinders taxon Lepidoptera 129
42 Caligula human Caligula 128
43 Mongoolse Rijk historical country Mongol Empire 128
44 Johan Cruijff human Johan Cruyff 123
45 Dalai lama position, tulku lineage Dalai Lama 122
46 Paus Johannes Paulus I human Pope John Paul I 122
47 Robert Oppenheimer human J. Robert Oppenheimer 121
48 Immuunsysteem anatomical system type Immune system 120
49 Aphrodite goddess, fertility deity, Greek deity Aphrodite 118
50 Kameleons taxon Chameleon 118
51 Christiaan Huygens human Christiaan Huygens 118
52 Carthago city-state, emporia, ancient city Carthage 117
53 Paus Pius XI human Pope Pius XI 117
54 Platentektoniek theory Plate tectonics 115
55 Titan moon of Saturn, regular moon Titan (moon) 115
56 Hendrik Lorentz human Hendrik Lorentz 114
57 Linkin Park rock band Linkin Park 114
58 Alchemie protoscience Alchemy 112
59 Eindhoven big city, cadastral populated place in the Netherlands, municipality of the Netherlands Eindhoven 112
60 Indusbeschaving archaeological culture, historical region, ancient civilization Indus Valley Civilisation 112
61 Boerenzwaluw taxon Barn swallow 110
62 Gupta's historical country Gupta Empire 110
63 Impressionisme art movement, art genre, art style Impressionism 110
64 Vogelbekdier taxon Platypus 110
65 Haarlem city, big city, cadastral populated place in the Netherlands Haarlem 109
66 Paus Benedictus XV human Pope Benedict XV 109
67 Dodo taxon, extinct taxon Dodo 108
68 Beha product category Bra 107
69 Hommels taxon Bumblebee 107
70 Krokodilachtigen taxon Crocodilia 106
71 Paus Pius IX human Pope Pius IX 105
72 Star Trek media franchise Star Trek 105
73 Bette Davis human Bette Davis 104
74 Getijde Tide 104
75 Bidsprinkhanen taxon Mantis 103
76 Zeesterren taxon Starfish 103
77 Zwavelzuur type of chemical entity Sulfuric acid 102
78 Celkern cellular component Cell nucleus 101
79 IJsvogel taxon Common kingfisher 100
80 Olympische Zomerspelen 1896 Summer Olympic Games 1896 Summer Olympics 99
81 Zijdevlinder taxon, silkworm Bombyx mori 99
82 Teken taxon Tick 97
83 Etrusken civilization, culture, historical ethnic group Etruscan civilization 96
84 Paus Julius II human Pope Julius II 95
85 Stevie Wonder human Stevie Wonder 95
86 Tyrannosaurus fossil taxon Tyrannosaurus 95
87 Komodovaraan taxon Komodo dragon 94
88 Beerdiertjes taxon Tardigrade 94
89 Salpeterzuur type of chemical entity Nitric acid 93
90 Mary Pickford human Mary Pickford 92
91 Interslavisch Pan-Slavic language, international auxiliary language, zonal auxiliary language Interslavic 91
92 Bonsai hobby, type of arts, human activity Bonsai 90
93 The Who rock band The Who 90
94 Alfredo Di Stéfano human Alfredo Di Stéfano 89
95 Sedimentair gesteente rock type Sedimentary rock 89
96 Haas taxon European hare 88
97 Josep Guardiola human Pep Guardiola 88
98 Fenerbahçe SK association football club Fenerbahçe S.K. (football) 87
99 Madame de Staël human Germaine de Staël 87
100 Lise Meitner human Lise Meitner 87
101 Zeekomkommers taxon Sea cucumber 87
102 Oorwormen taxon, organisms known by a particular common name Earwig 86
103 Rechtvleugeligen taxon Orthoptera 86
104 Zeekoeien taxon Sirenia 86
105 Yosemite National Park national park, tourist attraction, National Park of the United States Yosemite National Park 86
106 F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft family General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon 83
107 Adder taxon Adder 82
108 Zwarte specht taxon Black woodpecker 82
109 Bultrug taxon Humpback whale 82
110 Jacques Brel human Jacques Brel 82
111 PSV association football club PSV Eindhoven 80
112 Vlag van Australië national flag Flag of Australia 79
113 Coloradokever taxon Colorado potato beetle 78
114 Gouda municipality of the Netherlands Gouda, South Holland 78
115 Montauban commune of France Montauban 78
116 Eoceen series, epoch Eocene 77
117 Grootvorstendom Litouwen historical country Grand Duchy of Lithuania 77
118 Carl Lewis human Carl Lewis 75
119 Suikerbiet taxon Sugar beet 75
120 Decamerone short story collection, literary work The Decameron 74
121 Kredietcrisis financial crisis 2007–2008 financial crisis 73
122 Adoptie legal fiction, parent–child relationship, legal kinship Adoption 73
123 One World Trade Center skyscraper, tourist attraction, office building One World Trade Center 73
124 Bloemdieren taxon Anthozoa 72
125 Geschiedenis van de Aarde aspect of history History of Earth 72
126 Geschiedenis van de wiskunde aspect of history History of mathematics 72
127 Vuursalamander taxon Fire salamander 71
128 Soepschildpad taxon Green sea turtle 71
129 Habsburgse monarchie historical country, composite monarchy, state in the Holy Roman Empire Habsburg monarchy 71
130 Presocratische filosofie philosophical school Pre-Socratic philosophy 71
131 Hazelworm taxon Slow worm 71
132 Mierenleeuwen taxon Antlion 70
133 Schietmotten taxon Caddisfly 70
134 Den Helder municipality of the Netherlands Den Helder 70
135 Tachtigjarige Oorlog civil war, revolt Eighty Years' War 70
136 Lederschildpad taxon Leatherback sea turtle 70
137 Ascomyceten taxon Ascomycota 69
138 Filistijnen historical ethnic group Philistines 68
139 Ötzi human Ötzi 68
140 Aardmagnetisch veld planetary magnetic field Earth's magnetic field 67
141 Pinatubo mountain, caldera, summit Mount Pinatubo 67
142 Pterosauriërs fossil taxon Pterosaur 67
143 Brughagedissen taxon Tuatara 67
144 Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa human Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa 66
145 Prolog programming language, declarative programming language, deductive language Prolog 66
146 Rage Against the Machine musical group, rock band Rage Against the Machine 66
147 Voynichmanuscript illuminated manuscript Voynich manuscript 66
148 Steenvliegen taxon Plecoptera 65
149 Rolspinnen taxon Solifugae 65
150 Eleonora van Aquitanië human Eleanor of Aquitaine 64
151 Lijkwade van Turijn relic associated with Jesus, shroud, Christian relic Shroud of Turin 64
152 Krijt-Paleogeengrens extinction event Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 63
153 Wandelende takken taxon Phasmatodea 63
154 Fluweelwormen taxon Onychophora 62
155 Sergej Kirov human Sergei Kirov 62
156 The Canterbury Tales short story collection, literary work, collection of fairy tales The Canterbury Tales 62
157 Tyrosine type of chemical entity Tyrosine 62
158 Dagpauwoog taxon Aglais io 61
159 Slag om de Ardennen offensive Battle of the Bulge 61
160 Henry Moore human Henry Moore 61
161 Lodewijk Napoleon human Louis Bonaparte 61
162 Monarchvlinder taxon Monarch butterfly 61
163 Julia Agrippina minor human Agrippina the Younger 60
164 Alpine County county of California Alpine County, California 60
165 Ichthyosauria fossil taxon Ichthyosauria 60
166 Operatie Overlord military operation Operation Overlord 60
167 Ahmose I human Ahmose I 59
168 Karetschildpad taxon Hawksbill sea turtle 59
169 Sterkte-zwakteanalyse analysis SWOT analysis 59
170 Amerikaanse literatuur academic discipline, sub-set of literature American literature 58
171 Aspasia human Aspasia 58
172 Enigma rotor machine Enigma machine 58
173 Vroege middeleeuwen historical period Early Middle Ages 57
174 Heterocyclische verbinding structural class of chemical entities Heterocyclic compound 57
175 Breien hobby, technique, economic activity Knitting 57
176 Neutraal Moresnet condominium, neutral territory, disputed territory Neutral Moresnet 57
177 Olm taxon Olm 57
178 Theo van Doesburg human Theo van Doesburg 57
179 Metro van Berlijn rapid transit Berlin U-Bahn 56
180 Meikever taxon, organisms known by a particular common name Cockchafer 56
181 Manuel Quezon human Manuel L. Quezon 56
182 Nepenthes taxon Nepenthes 56
183 Romeinse religie religion Religion in ancient Rome 56
184 Reuzenotter taxon Giant otter 55
185 Vliegend hert taxon Lucanus cervus 55
186 Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek historical country South African Republic 55
187 Tongeren city, municipality of Belgium, Roman city Tongeren 55
188 Belgische Revolutie revolution Belgian Revolution 54
189 Democratische Republiek Georgië historical country Democratic Republic of Georgia 54
190 Springspitsmuizen taxon Elephant shrew 54
191 Film noir film genre Film noir 54
192 Pete Townshend human Pete Townshend 54
193 Kameelhalsvliegen taxon Snakefly 54
194 Boomkikker taxon European tree frog 53
195 Madame Roland human Madame Roland 52
196 Peter Lorre human Peter Lorre 52
197 Nikè van Samothrake statue, archaeological artifact Winged Victory of Samothrace 52
198 Californische goldrush gold rush California gold rush 50
199 Plesiosauria fossil taxon Plesiosaur 50
200 Roodkopgier taxon Turkey vulture 50
201 Livia Drusilla II human Livia 49
202 Nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide group of chemical entities Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 49
203 Nulmeridiaan Prime meridian 49
204 Doodshoofdvlinder taxon Acherontia atropos 48
205 Ouderdom van de Aarde time interval, age Age of Earth 48
206 Nicolas Flamel human Nicolas Flamel 48
207 Qanat Qanat 48
208 Krijgsolifant weapon functional class War elephant 48
209 Gaasvliegen taxon Chrysopidae 47
210 Geschiedenis van Georgië history of a country or state History of Georgia (country) 47
211 Ojibweg ethnic group Ojibwe 47
212 Italiaanse renaissance cultural movement Italian Renaissance 46
213 Maurits van Oranje human Maurice, Prince of Orange 46
214 Meher Baba human Meher Baba 46
215 Giovanni Battista Piranesi human Giovanni Battista Piranesi 45
216 Malagassiërs human population, ethnic group Malagasy peoples 45
217 Tweeplaatsige relatie type of relation Binary relation 44
218 Beiaard Carillon 44
219 Crosby, Stills & Nash supergroup Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 44
220 Gouden Eeuw golden age, historical period Dutch Golden Age 44
221 Karel Appel human Karel Appel 44
222 Oglala Lakota County unorganized territory, county of South Dakota Oglala Lakota County, South Dakota 44
223 Timaeus Platonic dialogue, written work Timaeus (dialogue) 44
224 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington 43
225 Pranayama breathing technique Pranayama 43
226 Veldhoven town, cadastral populated place in the Netherlands, municipality of the Netherlands Veldhoven 43
227 Duitse aanval op Nederland in 1940 battle German invasion of the Netherlands 42
228 Michiel de Ruyter human Michiel de Ruyter 42
229 Nieuw-Amsterdam human settlement New Amsterdam 42
230 Pape Jan mythical character Prester John 42
231 Vari taxon Black-and-white ruffed lemur 41
232 Frederik Hendrik van Oranje human Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange 41
233 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time video game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 41
234 Les Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry illuminated manuscript, book of hours Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry 41
235 Huda Sha'arawi human Huda Sha'arawi 40
236 Pherecydes van Syros human Pherecydes of Syros 40
237 Gehakkelde aurelia taxon Polygonia c-album 40
238 Sierschildpad taxon Painted turtle 39
239 Gothic novel novel genre, literary genre by form Gothic novel 38
240 John Entwistle human John Entwistle 37
241 Gekko's taxon Gekkota 36
242 Scharnhorst battlecruiser, shipwreck German battleship Scharnhorst 36
243 Hendrik IV dramatic work Henry IV, Part 1 36
244 Hippogrief mythical hybrid Hippogriff 36
245 Ranavalona I van Madagaskar human Ranavalona I 36
246 Cappella degli Scrovegni chapel, art museum, religious museum Scrovegni Chapel 36
247 Æthelflæd human Æthelflæd 36
248 Nederlandse schilderkunst in de Gouden Eeuw painting movement Dutch Golden Age painting 35
249 Ferrari F50 automobile model Ferrari F50 35
250 Geelgerande watertor taxon Great diving beetle 35
251 Spinnendoders taxon Spider wasp 35
252 Rhinocerus woodcut print Dürer's Rhinoceros 34
253 Geschiedenis van de evolutietheorie aspect of history History of evolutionary thought 34
254 Lithiumaluminiumhydride type of chemical entity Lithium aluminium hydride 34
255 Neutral Milk Hotel musical group Neutral Milk Hotel 34
256 Ringslangplatstaart taxon Yellow-lipped sea krait 34
257 Bernard Williams human Bernard Williams 33
258 New Super Mario Bros. video game New Super Mario Bros. 33
259 Vikingschip ship type, preserved watercraft Viking ship 33
260 Rhynchocyon udzungwensis taxon Grey-faced sengi 32
261 Iowaklasse ship class Iowa-class battleship 32
262 Romeins legionair position, military profession, historical profession Legionary 31
263 Zonnegroet sequence, religious concept Sun Salutation 31
264 Chinese schilderkunst painting of an area Chinese painting 30
265 Frederik de Houtman human Frederick de Houtman 30
266 Joseph Luns human Joseph Luns 30
267 Moskouse Processen trial Moscow trials 30
268 Bochelcicaden taxon Treehopper 30
269 Oud-Griekse astronomie astronomy Ancient Greek astronomy 29
270 Kortstaartkameleons taxon Brookesia 29
271 Zeekomma's taxon Cumacea 29
272 Ribbensalamander taxon, model organism Iberian ribbed newt 29
273 Jaime Sin human Jaime Sin 29
274 Straatfotografie photography genre Street photography 29
275 Legio X Fretensis Roman legion Legio X Fretensis 28
276 Dom van Utrecht cathedral St. Martin's Cathedral, Utrecht 27
277 Citipati monotypic fossil taxon Citipati 26
278 Kilroy was here meme Kilroy was here 26
279 Lambiek beer style Lambic 26
280 Broch Broch 25
281 Muziek in de oudheid music genre, music by period of time Ancient music 24
282 Corpus Hermeticum written work Corpus Hermeticum 24
283 Ringnekslang taxon Ring-necked snake 24
284 Lou Ottens human Lou Ottens 23
285 Natuurproduct group or class of chemical substances Natural product 23
286 Hongaarse minderheid in Roemenië ethnic community Hungarians in Romania 22
287 Kelenken fossil taxon Kelenken 22
288 Rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallatie Wastewater treatment plant 22
289 Aliyah Bet Aliyah Bet 21
290 Lucius Vitellius human Lucius Vitellius (consul 34) 21
291 Patagonia privately held company, business, enterprise Patagonia, Inc. 21
292 Maleise bladneusvleermuis taxon Diadem leaf-nosed bat 20
293 George Washington human George Washington (inventor) 20
294 Apomys gracilirostris taxon Large Mindoro forest mouse 20
295 Bernardus Alfrink human Bernardus Johannes Alfrink 19
296 Capitulatie treaty Capitulation (treaty) 19
297 Franz Junghuhn human Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn 19
298 Jan Wils human Jan Wils 19
299 Amsterdamse tram tram system Trams in Amsterdam 19
300 Verfransing van Brussel francization Francization of Brussels 18
301 Grote spinnende watertor taxon Hydrophilus piceus 18
302 Westerse esoterie Western esotericism 18
303 Slag bij Nieuwpoort battle Battle of Nieuwpoort 17
304 Chicago Board of Trade Building tower block Chicago Board of Trade Building 17
305 Westerse astrologie Western astrology 17
306 Slot Loevestein castle, château Loevestein Castle 16
307 Bok de Korver human Bok de Korver 15
308 Krappa taxon Carapa guianensis 15
309 Hubert Lampo human Hubert Lampo 15
310 Oeverloopkevers taxon Elaphrus 14
311 Heiligdom van de Grote Goden van Samothrake ancient Greek temple Samothrace temple complex 14
312 Beleg van Breda siege Siege of Breda (1624) 14
313 Beleg van Oostende siege Siege of Ostend 13
314 Simon Carmiggelt human Simon Carmiggelt 13
315 Dynamisch positioneringssysteem industrial plant Dynamic positioning 12
316 Kanaal van Corbulo canal Fossa Corbulonis 12
317 Gustave Rolin-Jaequemyns human Gustave Rolin-Jaequemyns 12
318 Beleg van Leiden siege Siege of Leiden 12
319 De Draad border barrier Wire of Death 12
320 Édouard Empain human Édouard Empain 12
321 De krab met de gulden scharen animated film The Crab with the Golden Claws (film) 11
322 Atlantisch orkaanseizoen 1911 Atlantic hurricane season 1911 Atlantic hurricane season 10
323 James Lick human James Lick 10
324 Jan Ligthart human Jan Ligthart 10
325 The Prelude written work The Prelude 10
326 Geschiedenis van de getijdentheorie aspect of history Theory of tides 10
327 Perkwunos thunder deity, nature deity *Perkʷūnos 9
328 Beleg van Groenlo siege Siege of Groenlo (1627) 9
329 Turfanosuchus fossil taxon Turfanosuchus 9
330 Ellesmere Chaucer-manuscript manuscript Ellesmere Chaucer 8
331 Trekvlinder taxon Lepidoptera migration 8
332 Marinière Marinière 8
333 Nationale Maatschappij van Buurtspoorwegen state-owned enterprise, transport company, railway network National Company of Light Railways 8
334 Romantiek painting movement Romantic painting (d:Q3088366) 8
335 The Resistance Tour concert tour The Resistance Tour 8
336 Russisch-Oekraïens gasconflict 2006 conflict 2005–2006 Russia–Ukraine gas dispute 7
337 Joan Melchior Kemper human Joan Melchior Kemper 7
338 Orde van de Unie order Order of the Union 7
339 Beleg van Deventer siege Siege of Deventer (1578) 7
340 Admiraliteit van Friesland navy Admiralty of Friesland 6
341 Agfacommando concentration camp, subcamp Agfa-Commando 6
342 Hiëronymus van Beverningh human Hieronymus van Beverningh 6
343 Maria Aletta Hulshoff human Maria Aletta Hulshoff 6
344 Beleg van 's-Hertogenbosch battle, siege Siege of 's-Hertogenbosch 6
345 Surinaamse literatuur Surinamese literature 6
346 Win Remmerswaal human Win Remmerswaal 6
347 Jazz in België music genre, musical scene Belgian jazz 5
348 Beurtvaart Beurtvaart 5
349 Verwantschap tussen Afrikaans en Nederlands Comparison of Afrikaans and Dutch 5
350 Hertogdom Saksen state in the Holy Roman Empire Duchy of Saxony (d:Q2219448) 5
351 Voetbal in Latijns-Amerika sport in a geographic region Football in South America 5
352 Gustaaf Sorel human Gustaaf Sorel 5
353 Hilton Chicago hotel Hilton Chicago 5
354 Hubert Minnebo human Hubert Minnebo 5
355 Lucifer literary work Lucifer (play) 5
356 Heiligdomsvaart van Maastricht Relics pilgrimage Pilgrimage of the Relics, Maastricht 5
357 Tchoiria taxon Tchoiria 5
358 The Cats musical group The Cats (Dutch band) 5
359 Beleg van Delfzijl conflict, siege Siege of Delfzijl (d:Q2209713) 4
360 Tien jaren war phase Ten Years (Eighty Years' War) 4
361 Kruisherenklooster monastery, religious community Crosier Monastery, Maastricht 3
362 Loge L'Union Provinciale masonic lodge Loge L'Union Provinciale (d:Q2666396) 3
363 Adam in ballingschap literary work Adam in ballingschap (d:Q20830200) 2
364 Geschiedenis van Gouda aspect of history History of Gouda, South Holland 2
365 Geschiedenis van Tegelen aspect of history History of Tegelen (d:Q2127830) 2
366 Geschiedenis van de olietanker aspect of history History of the oil tanker 2
367 Latijnse School school building, educational institution Latin School (d:Q7475838) 2
368 Maasboulevard street Maasboulevard (d:Q19333025) 2
369 Susanne Heynemann human Susanne Heynemann (d:Q28064155) 2
370 Willemsplein street, square Willemsplein (d:Q3776) 2
371 Nederlands in Zuid-Afrika Dutch language in an area Dutch language in South Africa (d:Q2148936) 1
372 Geschiedenis van Lieshout aspect of history history of Lieshout (d:Q2832064) 1
373 Geschiedenis van Woerden aspect of history history of Woerden (d:Q27680180) 1
374 Ontstaansgeschiedenis van het Wilhelminakanaal aspect of history history of the Wilhelmina Canal (d:Q124389175) 1
375 Smaad Üble Nachrede (d:Q28152013) 1
Average With English: en/nl (Dutch) = 360/375 (96%) 66.6
Sum No article or article with the same title: 14
No label: 1

See also
