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Archive 1

Ahnan's message to me - Benny Hinn & CHC

Stop deleting negatives of CHC... or else I'm going to complain to the mods here and have the CHC page put under moderation.Ahnan (talk) 03:52, 6 April 2010 (UTC)

Response to Ahnan - Benny Hinn & CHC

Hi Ahnan, I know that you wanted to put controversial articles regarding Benny Hinn and CHC. However, I find it irrelevant and absurd. Certain articles dated back Nov 2006, Dec 2006, Feb 2010 are absolutely not involved in CHC. They took place outside CHC and were not related to CHC. I know that you want to expose CHC's link with Benny Hinn, so please re-word them correctly if necessarily.

It is impt to show CHC association with a controversial character Benny Hinn to the public. Pls do not hide this fact from public. Kong Hee has on several occasions used this controversial guy to raise fund for CHC. This has to be exposed and let known to public. And, it doesn't matter of the articles are old info as long as it is relevant to the topic on Wiki. The whole of wiki is about reporting events in the past, for God's sake! Ahnan (talk) 04:12, 7 April 2010 (UTC)

I was thinking of making a complaint against you; however I could not do that as I am not familar with ways of how to make a report to Wikipedia moderator. ~ kimberry @ 9.58pm, 6 April 2010 Singapore TimeKimberry352 (talk) 14:13, 6 April 2010 (UTC)

Go ahead, be my guest to go complain! I welcome this as then this entry will be put under mod and will not let you guys anyhow hide the controversial info of CHC from public. I have sparred with NCC fellas too on wiki. So, I have many experience dealing with your kind of people trying to make your chuch looks good but keep covering up negative news of your church from public. Prosperity gospel by itself is controversial. Anyway, if you want war, you get one. There are plenty people fed up of CHC willing to come here and lend me a hand. By the way, you should disclose yourself here so that netizens know where you are coming from. If you are a member of CHC, you should disclose this fact (wiki's Conflict of Interest code). Why hide under an anon nic? If you are truely a Christian, tell the truth. As for me, I'm kojakbt, a moderator of 3in1kopitiam forum. Ahnan (talk) 04:19, 7 April 2010 (UTC)

Hey, I read Wikipedia help for article dispute just now. I realise that since you have added a big controversial article about Benny Hinn and CHC, I should discuss with you on it before deleting it. My apology.

The articles (dated on Nov/Dec 2006, Feb 2010) might be applicable to CHC wiki page; however, according to these articles, it does not mean that Benny Hinn's actions have affected CHC's association with him. I know that what Benny Hinn's actions as described by these articles are seen to affect CHC's reputation...Like not all of the people in Singapore do not trust in him and CHC.

Fact is, CHC used controversial character, Benny Hinn, on a number of occasions to raise fund in Singapore. This has to be disclosed. To me, only a shady organization will use shady character to do its bidding. I think even neutral user, Jpatokal, also agrees with this. Ahnan (talk) 04:35, 7 April 2010 (UTC)

I wonder why you are against megachurches like CHC and NCC. To add controversial things about Benny, I shall be alright as long as CHC is relatively involved in the controversial articles that truly exists. (Sorry for my weak English. Hope you understand what I mean. Kimberry352 (talk) 14:45, 6 April 2010 (UTC)

Weak or good in English, it doesn't matter. What matters most if to seek the truth and to reveal the truth and facts to the public. I got nothing personal against CHC or NCC. I hardly know anyone inside and certainly I don't know Kong Hee or Joseph Prince personally. What I know about them is from the press and the net (public info). But it's quite clear to me that these churches are getting involved more than just religious activities. These info got to be highlighted. Plus, both churches are involved with the controversial doctrine, prosperity gospel (so is Benny Hinn). When you are dealing with conroversial things, it's only a matter of time it will catch up with you. You can't hide the truth. Don't worry, I'm going to write some more. Once I can get the old ST article about Sun Ho while she was still working for the church, I will write about it too. Ahnan (talk) 04:35, 7 April 2010 (UTC)

Response to Ahnan for Benny's offtopic controversial articles

It is okay to reveal the truth and facts to the public; however both CHC and Benny Hinn have to be in same topic. If the topic of both CHC and Benny Hinn are indeed same, then it is ontopic. Otherwise, it will be irrelevant. Like "Ministry Watch", "Do You Believe in Miracles", "Benny Hinn sending to mailers" & "Benny Hinn's divorce" are not on topic of CHC wikipedia page. They should be on Benny Hinn wikipedia page unless these articles are involved with CHC & Benny Hinn together (not outside CHC). Kimberry352 (talk) 04:46, 7 April 2010 (UTC)

go read the talk page of CHC Ahnan (talk) 16:50, 9 April 2010 (UTC)
yup, thanks. i've replied there. Kimberry352 (talk) 18:13, 9 April 2010 (UTC)
You should apologize to me for attacking my personal integrity. See discussion page of CHC. Ahnan (talk) 11:50, 10 April 2010 (UTC)
Is it possible for us to meet up for clear clarification and better face to face communication? How abt meeting up at Bugis Junction? Exchange MSN? Kimberry352 (talk) 15:59, 10 April 2010 (UTC)
What's your h/p number? Ahnan (talk) 04:19, 11 April 2010 (UTC
Erm, it is not possible to give u my h/p number on Wikipedia. How about my non-personal email? -- Can? I will email to you my h/p number. Preferably, I think I shall meet you face to face for better clarification & understanding.Kimberry352 (talk) 13:08, 11 April 2010 (UTC)

5Proof (talk) 03:51, 12 April 2010 (UTC) Kimberry352, just because you or your church members don't like bad publicity doesn't make it 'irrelevant'. It might be 'irrelevant' to you and your ink, but it not 'irrelevant' not to the general public which do have the right to know what CHC is all about. Take this advise; trying to censor the truth will not serve anyone any good, including yourselves.

5Proof, I stress that I don't mean always hide the truth or speculation from the public. What i feel relevance of the content more matters. Btw, like other ppl said, you also said "you or your church members don't like bad publicity doesn't make it 'irrelevant'. But.. Sighs.. I want to quote "Whether a cat is black or white, it catches the mices as long as it can. Kimberry352 (talk) 05:14, 12 April 2010 (UTC)

Talking about Kimberry352 behind her back?

Sighs.. Is it right to gossip things over the things? If online backstabbing is allowed in 3in1KOPI, is it appropriate? Anyway, I am very shocked to find out that you are the one who posted the message to the people in online discussion forum called 3in1KOP -- See it at CHC member wants to meet me f-to-f woh.. Why? Love gossiping outside online web based Wikipedia? Is it unethical? Just now I read down the posts in this 3in1KOPI topic and I found it too ridiculous and absurd. Sighs.. I now discover that you are also kojakt_89 (3in1KOPI username) of 3in1KOPI forum. No wonder you claimed to be a moderator of 3in1KOPI forum. I need to ask you - Are 3in1KOPI and Wiki are mutually inclusive? Now I am uncertain whether you may intentionally to take your 'puppets' to meet me. Sighs... No boundary knows ages, races, languages and religions. Now I think I want to see you face to face for not only Benny's topic but also any other topics you shall find out. Kimberry352 (talk) 03:37, 12 April 2010 (UTC)

Look lady, any info published on Wiki can be seen by anyone publicly, including the content of the talk pages. So, what's the big deal to post your CHC's responses to the controversies of CHC which I've added on wiki? You have something shameful to hide? As for "gossiping", anyone can say anything on the Net. You don't own the Net, my dear. In fact, by all means, you can refute or rebut any postings or "backstabbings" on 3in1kopitiam forum if you don't like them. Unlike you, we don't censor anything negative nor positive on anything in 3in1kopitiam. We leave it to the forumers to decide on the merits of each debate. There is nothing ethical nor unethical about it. If you don't like what you see on 3in1kopitiam, then don't go there. And if you don't like what you see on the Net, then stop surfing the Net! Ahnan (talk) 09:03, 12 April 2010 (UTC)
Cyberbullying is a serious offence. I read the thread posted by you in 3in1kopi forum and felt very sad. In spite of this, I don't wish to comment there.Kimberry352 (talk) 09:19, 12 April 2010 (UTC)
From day 1, I've stated on talk pages that I'm a mod of 3in1kopitiam forum. Anyone who surfs 3in1 would know that kojakbt is the mod. My email has always been kojakbt@gmail.com. There is no attempt for me to hide anything. So are you saying that I can't comment about CHC's wiki entry on 3in1kopitam or anywhere on the Net? I must only talk about wiki's matter on wiki itself? You are joking, right? Were you just born yesterday? Ahnan (talk) 09:03, 12 April 2010 (UTC)
No commentKimberry352 (talk) 09:19, 12 April 2010 (UTC)
"Now I am uncertain whether you may intentionally to take your 'puppets' to meet me." - Did you know that you have just insulted the good people of 3in1kopitiam? HAHA! Ahnan (talk) 09:03, 12 April 2010 (UTC)
After reading the thread post by you in 3in1 kopi forum, I become more aware that it might be possible that i will meet more than 1 person if we agree to meet up face to face. My apology if i have offended the people at 3in1 kopi forum. Alternative word of 'puppets' is 'outside people' - do u get what i mean? Like if we only 2 people agree to meet up face to face and give u my hp number BUT certain person/ppl on 3in1 kopi forum hinted that they 'want' to see me and , how will u deal with it? Sighs..Kimberry352 (talk) 09:19, 12 April 2010 (UTC)
"Sighs... No boundary knows ages, races, languages and religions. Now I think I want to see you face to face for not only Benny's topic but also any other topics you shall find out." - Er.. Sister, I think you should at least polish up your English before embarking to edit CHC entry on Wiki further. I really don't know what you are trying to say here. Please ask Kong Hee to send someone better to come to Wiki to help him... Ahnan (talk) 09:07, 12 April 2010 (UTC)
My same post as above --> "After reading the thread post by you in 3in1 kopi forum, I become more aware that it might be possible that i will meet more than 1 person if we agree to meet up face to face."
True, I should improve my English better before writing here. As u know, I feel I should quit from Wikipedia but there is no termination option. We recently keep on replying to each other a lot regarding controversial issues although i wish i could leave Wiki. I think after the issue and agreement are settled, i will leave my Wiki account forever no matter when upcoming words are added or edited or removed in any wiki pages. Sighs..Kimberry352 (talk) 09:19, 12 April 2010 (UTC)

Test - Wiki Time Sign

test -- Use "~ ~ ~ ~" (remove space between ~) Kimberry352 (talk) 14:08, 6 April 2010 (UTC)

Thinking of leaving Wikipedia indefinitely

My time and energy will be used up even if my English is not up to the good standard. I feel I should retire from involving with Wikipedia even after the recent editing issues are resolved. Kimberry352 (talk) 11:52, 12 April 2010 (UTC)

My advice is to just take a break from the CHC issue. There are plenty of other editors involved now and it's a clear-cut case of coatracking. I imagine all this will be resolved within a few days. I see in your edit history an interest in anime so why not contribute there again (anime articles need tons of help!)? SQGibbon (talk) 14:31, 12 April 2010 (UTC)
Hi SQGibbon. I see. Thanks for your advice. Wiki articles "WikiBreath", "WikiBreak" and "WikiStress" are interesting to read. I should leave CHC articles behind long ago. Sighs... Oh yes, I used to love watching anime and reading manga more but now I seldom watch anime due to my busy study and CCA (Co-curricular activities). Hm, perhaps I would like to contribute for anime and other articles again in future. :) Kimberry352 (talk) 10:51, 13 April 2010 (UTC)

Report on Ahnan

Hi there, just to tell you that a report [[1]] has been made on the Administrator's Notice Board on Ahnan's off-wiki harassment of you. This is not the first time he is doing this, and hopefully there will be a good outcome from this. Zhanzhao (talk) 11:24, 13 April 2010 (UTC)

Kimberry attempting to character assassinate Ahnan in the hope of getting rid of Ahnan and his controversial additions to CHC

Kimberry's msg titled "Ahnan's standpoint outside Wikipedia" to Zhanzhao - [[2]] [[3]]

Ahnan replied to me(Kimberry) using the quote from my msg:
Anyway, if you have some time to read about Ahnan or kojakbt, maybe the Temasek Review articles (1) "YPAP supporter “Eric How” calls netizens “donkeys” and vows to shut down 3in1kopitiam forum" thread [[4]] and (2) "YPAP member Eric How to netizens: “Don’t blame the govt but your own karma or forefathers" thread [[5]] are useful for you to analyse and know his (cyber?) character.
I think he should learn not only EQ and Social Studies techniques but he also needs to understand Wiki-etiquettes. Wikipedia is not a debate for him..the way he continues posting the negatives and other articles (which he finds unpleasant) to other forums like 3in1 KOPI and Sam's Alfresco. I realise that his viewpoints are almost one-sided because he always seems to look for the 'truth' no matter how reliable the sources are. The word 'truth' may sound too generic. But if i'm not wrong, he wants to find the negative 'truth' which required to be checked, validated and proven/unproven. Thus, I think that he may possibly have negative (not balanced) point of view. Sighs.. Kimberry352 (talk) 07:46, 15 April 2010 (UTC)

Kimberry, it's strange that you even dare to mention this. Aren't you also profess one-sided views inside CHC article? You only seem to be interested to write "positive truth" of CHC, which also requires to be checked, validated and proven/unproven. Hence, I also think that you may possibly only have positive (not balanced) point of view. In fact, it's even worse. It's like a pot calling a kettle black. Sigh.. Ahnan (talk) 09:06, 15 April 2010 (UTC)
Ahnan, I only accept reliable and relevant views inside CHC article no matter whether they are controversial or non-controversial. Like what I have already explained in CHC's discussion page. If the article mention the relationship between CHC and Benny & the article is reliable and relevant, then I won't be in position to object it. Kimberry352 (talk) 14:24, 15 April 2010 (UTC)
Archive 1