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User:SDZeroBot/NPP sorting/STEM/Physics

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Created Article Extract Class Creator (# edits) Notes
2024-05-24 Bearing compass (Nautical instrument) A bearing compass, is a nautical instrument used to determine the bearing of observed objects. (Bearing: angle formed by the north and the visual to a certain object in the sea or ashore). Used in navigation to determine the angle between the direction of an object and the magnetic north or, indirectly relative to another reference point. C Mcapdevila (8095)
2024-09-01 Quantum entanglement swapping (Quantum mechanics idea) Quantum entanglement swapping is an essential idea in quantum mechanics. It involves entanglement from one pair of particles to another, even if those new particles have never interacted before. This process is very important for building quantum communication networks, enabling quantum teleportation and advancing quantum computing. C Sreenu Giri KP (49)
2024-08-05 Sheath instability (Plasma instability in laboratory plasma) Sheath instability is an instability in a plasma where ions form sheaths near an electrode, making the plasma unstable. It is a type of Rayleigh–Taylor instability. Stub Laqy-peenu (902)
2024-05-14 Quantum metrological gain (Measurement in quantum metrology) In quantum metrology in a multiparticle system, the quantum metrological gain for a quantum state is defined as the sensitivity of phase estimation achieved by that state divided by the maximal sensitivity achieved by separable states, i.e., states without quantum entanglement. C Quantum1956 (291)
2024-07-08 Normalized solutions (nonlinear Schrödinger equation) (a normalized solution to an ordinary or partial differential equation is a solution with prescribed norm) In mathematics, a normalized solution to an ordinary or partial differential equation is a solution with prescribed norm, that is, a solution which satisfies a condition like In this article, the normalized solution is introduced by using the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. GA JohnWYu (211)
2024-07-22 Ernst Ferdinand August (German Physicist) Ernst Ferdinand August (18 February 1795 – 25 March 1870) was a German Physicist and Meteorologist. He developed and improved a number of physics related devices, among them the Psychrometer, which was named after him Start Samcvp (97)
2024-08-18 Neural differential equation In machine learning, a neural differential equation is a differential equation whose right-hand side is parametrized by the weights θ of a neural network. In particular, a neural ordinary differential equation (neural ODE) is an ordinary differential equation of the form Start Saung Tadashi (2012)
2024-07-05 Harris graph (Eulerian, non-hamiltonian, tough graph.) In graph theory, a Harris graph is defined as an Eulerian, tough, non-Hamiltonian graph. Harris graphs were introduced in 2013 when, at the University of Michigan, Harris Spungen conjectured that a tough, Eulerian graph would be sufficient to be Hamiltonian. B Aryan Narendra (38)
2024-10-17 GRAVITY (VLTI) (GRAVITY is an instrument on the Very Large Telescope) GRAVITY is an instrument on the interferometer of the Very Large Telescope (VLTI). It either combines the light of the four Unit Telescopes (UT) or the smaller four Auxiliary Telescopes. The instrument works with adaptive optics and provides a resolution of 4 milliarcseconds (mas) and can measure the position of astronomical objects down to a few 10 microarcseconds (μas). C Meli thev (2970)
2024-09-04 Evolution equations in high-energy particle physics (Evolution Equations in High-Energy Particle Physics) High-energy particle physics focuses on the study of understanding the fundamental forces of nature and particles in our universe. One big area of focus is gluons, which bind quarks together, so understanding Evolution equations play a major role gluon behavior at different energy levels. C Sreenu Giri KP (49)
2024-10-14 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics (Award) The 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to the John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton "for foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks". It was announced by the Swedish Academy in Stockholm, Sweden, on 8 October 2024. Stub Sushidude21! (807)
2024-10-16 Christopher S. Hill (physicist) (American physicist) Christopher Scott Hill is an American particle physicist and Professor of Physics at The Ohio State University. He is known for his contributions to the study of the top quark and for co-founding the milliQan Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Start RTSchmitz (15)
2024-10-21 H1426+428 (BL Lac object located in the constellation Boötes) H1426+428 also known as 1ES 1426+428, is a high-frequency peaked BL Lacertae object (HBL) located in the constellation of Boötes. It is located at a relatively high redshift of (z) 0.129, and was discovered in 1984 by astronomers who presented a catalogue of X-ray sources taken with the HEAO 1 satellite. C Galaxybeing (1573)

Last updated by SDZeroBot operator / talk at 13:26, 21 October 2024 (UTC)