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Within graph theory and network analysis, there are various measures of centrality of a vertex within a graph, used to indicate the relative importance of the vertex.

Degree centrality


For a graph with n vertices, the degree centrality for vertex is the fraction of the total number vertices that are the node's neighbors:

Betweenness centrality

Hue (from red=0 to blue=max) shows the node betweenness.

Betweenness is a centrality measure of a vertex within a graph (there is also an analogous betweenness measure for edges). Vertices that occur on many shortest paths between other vertices have higher betweenness than those that do not.

For a graph with n vertices, the betweenness for vertex is:

where is the number of shortest geodesic paths from s to t, and is the number of shortest geodesic paths from s to t that pass through a vertex v. This may be normalised by dividing through the number of pairs of vertices not including v, which is .

Calculating the betweenness and closeness centralities of all the vertices in a graph involves calculating the shortest paths between all pairs of vertices on a graph. This takes time with the Floyd–Warshall algorithm. On a sparse graph, Johnson's algorithm may be more efficient, taking time. On unweighted graphs, calculating betweenness centrality takes time using Brandes' algorithm [1].

Closeness centrality


Closeness centrality of a vertex can be defined as the reciprocal of the average geodesic distances to all other vertices of V :

where is the size of the network V. By convention, if there is no path between v and t, so that the lowest centrality value, that of an isolate, is .

Egonet software reports this value multiplied by 100.

Different methods and algorithms have been introduced to measure closeness. Two measures similar to the one above are described in Newman (2003)[2] and Sabidussi (2003)[3]. In addition, Noh and Rieger (2003)[4] discuss random-walk centrality, while Stephenson and Zelen (1989) introduce information centrality, which employs the harmonic instead of the arithmetic mean of path lengths[5]. Dangalchev (2006), in order to measure the network vulnerability, modifies the definition for closeness so it can be used for disconnected graphs and the total closeness is easier to calculate[6]:


  1. ^ Ulrik Brandes. "A faster algorithm for betweenness centrality" (Document). {{cite document}}: Cite document requires |publisher= (help); Unknown parameter |url= ignored (help)
  2. ^ Newman, MEJ, 2003, Arxiv preprint cond-mat/0309045.
  3. ^ Sabidussi, G. (1966) The centrality index of a graph. Psychometrika 31, 581--603.
  4. ^ J. D. Noh and H. Rieger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 118701 (2004).
  5. ^ Stephenson, K. A. and Zelen, M., 1989. Rethinking centrality: Methods and examples. Social Networks 11, 1–37.
  6. ^ Dangalchev Ch., Residual Closeness in Networks, Phisica A 365, 556 (2006).

Further reading

  • Freeman, L. C. (1979). Centrality in social networks: Conceptual clarification. Social Networks, 1(3), 215-239.
  • Sabidussi, G. (1966). The centrality index of a graph. Psychometrika, 31, 581-603.
  • Freeman, L. C. (1977) A set of measures of centrality based on betweenness. Sociometry 40, 35--41.
  • Koschützki, D.; Lehmann, K. A.; Peeters, L.; Richter, S.; Tenfelde-Podehl, D. and Zlotowski, O. (2005) Centrality Indices. In Brandes, U. and Erlebach, T. (Eds.) Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations, pp. 16-61, LNCS 3418, Springer-Verlag.