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User:Lucky Cherub

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(flutter, flutter) Heehee! Welcome to my public-place-user-id-user-page-thingy!!!!! Yes, I am Chef Clover, but like a lotta Wikiministrators said, I had GOT to get this thing. 'Course, I'm not stupid, since idowannnagetmydusedbyudderpeople!!!!! (>_<) Now, it's all that easy "cut-and-paste" junk. . . . . .

Recent News


Welcome to me (again)! I had added something to my private alias' user page, so you must read that one first. Besides, my password is nice and long and totally freakin' AWESOME!!!!! Nobody can get it! Muahahahahahahahaha-- (chokes, and hacks up a phlegm) YUCK!!!!!

(giggles) Later!!!!! Lucky Cherub 13:35, 9 May 2007 (UTC)

Favorite Quotes

  • "I don't do drugs, I am drugs." Salvador Dali
  • "Ph34r t3h cut3 on35" Megatokyo
  • "Duct tape is like The Force: it has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together"--Anonymous
  • "I reject your reality and substitute my own." Adam Savage
  • "Nothing says 'oops' like a wall of flame." Marion Winik
  • "It's really, really terrible how this world revolves around sex . . . . . people aren't focusing on the bigger issues, such as love, which is the kissing and the holding and the walking with the hands together and the arms around each other—the more romantic things."— A.J. McLean, Backstreet Boys, Rolling Stone Magazine

more to come!

Projects I'm working on

  • MDA support
  • Color guard
  • School
    • My graduation project (mandatory and late)
    • The Wikipedia article on Bangor Area High School Which I am doing a shitty job on
    • Everything else.
  • Watching tv (not mandatory)

Where I hang out
