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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All About Me


Who am I? Currently I am a Freshman at Georgia Southern University, which is commonly mistaken for a party school, but it is not any more of a party school I would say than any other college. Of course there are some that are known for partying more than others but that's only a few.The University itself is a fairly large campus holding about 19,000 students. I am attending Georgia Southern to become a teacher. My major is early childhood education and I plan to teacher second grade. I would consider myself to be an artsy person.I love art and music.Throughout high school I took a couple art classes and was in chorus all four years.I came from Gwinnett County, which is a pretty populated county and the city I came from is as well. Compared to Statesboro, it has definitely caused me to get use to not having as many things right at my fingertips, where back at home,I was five minutes from the Mall of Georgia.

What I have done for Wiki


This is my first year using Wikipedia to where I have actually created something on the site. Before, I only visited Wikipedia to get information for research on school assignments.Currently, I am working on an article about Carol Johnston, a one-armed gymnast. I plan on improving this article and continuing to use Wikipedia.

♥ Technology


Technology and myself I would say get along pretty well. I personally love the internet and doing things on the computer. Texting is one of my favorite things to do. I always have my phone with me talking to people. I get updates and emails sent through texts which I like because I can get it right away, even if I'm not on the computer.As far as programs go on the computer, I am good with almost all Microsoft programs, Adobe photoshop, and things like that. Most sites and programs are easy for me to figure out and be good with.

Philosophy of Wikipedia


Personally, I find Wikipedia to be a useful site in order to receive information. Back in high school however, my teachers were very much against Wikipedia and only wanted it to be used at certain times, or as a last resort for information. They would say that you can't be sure if the information is completely accurate or not. Now, I see no problem with using Wikipedia because most of the time, the information turns out to be legit and just the same as if you were to go to Google and search. With Wikipedia, you can find all the information that you need generally within one article. I like the fact that people are able to be on here and write freely and criticize other peoples writing. Because people can edit your paper and make comments,I think that it is making people who contribute articles to Wikipedia become better writers.

Native Tongue


The language that I read, speak and write in is American English. I was born and raised in America and all my family is from here speaking English, so therefore, I do as well. However, in middle school and high school combined, I have taken 3 years of Spanish and can understand and speak the basics that you would need to have with someone who speaks that language. I can not carry on full conversations about detailed things, but the average conversation I can. I'm happy I've had some Spanish classes because I know it will be of some use in life and with my job being a teacher having students whose parents don't know English as well. I would like to further my Spanish skills so that it can be even more useful.

Extra Info :)

  • I have a twin sister(fraternal-I'm older by 11 mins)
  • my favorite color is baby blue
  • I was born on the Fourth of July
  • My cats name is Nala and my dogs name is Chaco
  • I visited japan for two weeks
  • Summertime is my favorite season
This user's favorite colour is Sky Blue.
CancerThis user is a Cancer.
This user prefers warm weather.