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Template:White Pass and Yukon Route

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White Pass and Yukon Route
Spook Creek
Jarvis Street
Cultural Centre
Whitehorse Waterfront Trolley
110.5 mi
177.8 km
Whitehorse [1]
Info. Centre
Rotary Park
104.5 mi
168.2 km
Wigan [2]
104.0 mi
167.4 km
MacRae [3]
99.9 mi
160.8 km
Dugdale [4]
95.1 mi
153 km
Cowley [5]
88.9 mi
143.1 km
Robinson [6]
84.0 mi
135.2 km
De Wette [7]
83.7 mi
134.7 km
Wette Lea
81.6 mi
131.3 km
Minto [8]
79.4 mi
127.8 km
Lorne [9]
74.9 mi
120.5 km
Lansdowne [10]
70.0 mi
112.7 km
end of active track
as of 2022
north Carcross switch
Carcross house track
north Carcross wye
south Carcross switch
south Carcross wye
67.5 mi
108.6 km
Carcross [11]
67.4 mi
108.5 km
62.9 mi
101.2 km
McDonald Creek
59.8 mi
96.2 km
north Watson switch
59.6 mi
95.9 km
Watson [13]
59.4 mi
95.6 km
south Watson switch
55.5 mi
89.3 km
55.5 mi
89.3 km
55 Pit switch
52.6 mi
84.7 km
51.6 mi
83 km
49.6 mi
79.8 km
north Scheffler switch
49.4 mi
79.5 km
49.1 mi
79 km
south Scheffler switch
46.4 mi
74.7 km
Pavey [15]
43.5 mi
70 km
41.1 mi
66.1 km
north Bennett switch
40.8 mi
65.7 km
north Lake siding switch
40.7 mi
65.5 km
Bennett crossover
Bennett Yard
40.6 mi
65.3 km
Bennett [16]
40.5 mi
65.2 km
north Bennett loop switch
40.5 mi
65.2 km
south Lake siding switch
40.2 mi
64.7 km
south Bennett switch
36.2 mi
58.3 km
33.1 mi
53.3 km
north Log Cabin switch
33.0 mi
53.1 km
Log Cabin
32.7 mi
52.6 km
south Log Cabin switch
32.6 mi
52.5 km
29.8 mi
48 km
Ptarmigan Point
28.1 mi
45.2 km
Fraser north switch
Fraser crossover
27.7 mi
44.6 km
Fraser [17]
27.6 mi
44.4 km
south Fraser switch
27.5 mi
44.3 km
Fraser loop
25.4 mi
40.9 km
23.8 mi
38.3 km
21.4 mi
34.4 km
Divide loop
20.4 mi
32.8 km
20.3 mi
32.7 km
south White Pass switch
19.1 mi
30.7 km
American shed [19]
18.8 mi
30.3 km
north Portal
18.7 mi
30.1 km
south Portal
18.6 mi
29.9 km
south end of line change
18.4 mi
29.6 km
18.3 mi
29.5 km
18.0 mi
29 km
Dead Horse Gulch
17.6 mi
28.3 km
16.8 mi
27 km
Inspiration Point
16.0 mi
25.7 km
north portal
15.9 mi
25.6 km
south portal
15.9 mi
25.6 km
wood trestle
15.6 mi
25.1 km
Slippery Rock
14.2 mi
22.9 km
Skagway River (Middle Fork)
14.1 mi
22.7 km
north Glacier switch
14.1 mi
22.7 km
Glacier [20]
12.7 mi
20.4 km
south Glacier switch
12.6 mi
20.3 km
12.3 mi
19.8 km
Heney [21]
11.6 mi
18.7 km
Bridal Veil Falls
11.4 mi
18.3 km
10.2 mi
16.4 km
Black Cross
9.5 mi
15.3 km
Pitchfork Falls
8.8 mi
14.2 km
8.7 mi
14 km
north Clifton switch
8.6 mi
13.8 km
Clifton [23]
8.4 mi
13.5 km
south Clifton switch
7.3 mi
11.7 km
Brackett's Road
6.9 mi
11.1 km
Rocky Point
5.9 mi
9.5 km
Skagway River (East Fork)
5.8 mi
9.3 km
Denver [24]
4.8 mi
7.7 km
north Boulder switch
4.5 mi
7.2 km
Boulder [25]
3.2 mi
5.1 km
south Boulder switch
2.4 mi
3.9 km
Gold Rush
north Extension
Skagway loop
2.3 mi
3.7 km
Skagway yard switch
Coach Yard
Skagway yard switch
City Hall
0.6 mi
1 km
Skagway Junction
long siding
Skagway Wharves
Skagway Harbor

This is a route-map template for the White Pass and Yukon Route, a railway in the United States and Canada.

Note: Per consensus and convention, most route-map templates are used in a single article in order to separate their complex and fragile syntax from normal article wikitext. See these discussions [1],[2] for more information.


  1. ^ Named after the appearance of rapids in Yukon River. Coutts, R. C. (2003). Yukon Places and Names. Moose Creek Publishing. ISBN 978-0968844038.; Phillips, James W. (1973). Alaska-Yukon Place Names. University of Washington Press. ISBN 0-295-95259-8.
  2. ^ Named for Edward A. Wigan (1868-1942), early shareholder of the White Pass. Minter, Roy (1987). The White Pass: Gateway to the Klondike. University of Alaska Press. ISBN 0-912006-26-9., at page 175 (Edward A. Wigan).
  3. ^ Named for Charles C. MacRae (1843-1922), early shareholder of the White Pass. Minter (1987). The White Pass., at page 175 (Colin Macrae).
  4. ^ Named for James Dugdale (1842-1903), cotton manufacturer and early shareholder of the White Pass. Minter (1987). The White Pass., at page 175 (James Dugdale).
  5. ^ Named for Isaac Cowley Lambert (1850-1909), chairman of the Pacific Contract Co., the construction company that built the White Pass railroad. Minter (1987). The White Pass., at pp. 175, 318 (Cowley Lambert); Coutts (2003). Yukon Places and Names.
  6. ^ Named for William C. “Stikine Bill” Robinson (1857-1926), general foreman of construction of the White Pass railroad. Minter (1987). The White Pass., at page 275 (William “Stikine Bill” Robinson); Coutts (2003). Yukon Places and Names.
  7. ^ a b Named for Auguste Christoph Rudolph de Wette (1845-1912), banker and early shareholder of the White Pass. Minter (1987). The White Pass., at page 175 (Auguste de Wette); Coutts (2003). Yukon Places and Names.
  8. ^ Named for John Elliott-Murray-Kynmound, 4th Earl of Minto (1845-1914), Governor-General of Canada. Coutts (2003). Yukon Places and Names.; Phillips (1973). Alaska-Yukon Place Names.
  9. ^ Named for John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Marquess of Lorne (1845-1914), Governor-General of Canada. Coutts (2003). Yukon Places and Names.
  10. ^ Named for Henry Charles Keith Petty Fitz-Maurice, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne (1845-1927), Governor-General of Canada. Coutts (2003). Yukon Places and Names.
  11. ^ Originally named Caribou Crossing; renamed in 1904 because of frequent confusion in mail services. Coutts (2003). Yukon Places and Names.; Mulvihill, Carl E. (2000). White Pass & Yukon Route Handbook. R. Robb, Ltd., at page 58.
  12. ^ Named for Adm. Sir George Strong Nares (1831-1915), British Navy, Arctic explorer. Coutts (2003). Yukon Places and Names.; Phillips (1973). Alaska-Yukon Place Names.
  13. ^ Named for the Watson (fl. 1898) of Watson & Church, Skagway real estate agents.
  14. ^ Named for Frederick Pennington (1819-1914), early shareholder of the White Pass. Minter (1987). The White Pass., at page 175 (Frederick Pennington); Mulvihill (2000). White Pass & Yukon Route Handbook., at page 57.
  15. ^ Named after "Pavy, London", telegraph address of Charles Colin MacRae.
  16. ^ Named for James G. Bennett, Jr. (1841-1918), son of the founder of the New York Herald, and patron of American geographical research. Phillips (1973). Alaska-Yukon Place Names.; Mulvihill (2000). White Pass & Yukon Route Handbook., at page 53.
  17. ^ Named for Duncan C. Fraser (1845-1910), Member of Parliament from Nova Scotia. Minter (1987). The White Pass., at page 63 (Duncan C. Fraser).
  18. ^ Named for Thomas W. White (1830-1888), Canadian Interior Minister. Minter (1987). The White Pass., at page 26; Orth, Donald J. (1967). Dictionary of Alaska Place Names. U.S. Government Printing Office., at page 1044 (White Pass: pass); Phillips (1973). Alaska-Yukon Place Names.; Mulvihill (2000). White Pass & Yukon Route Handbook., at page 45.
  19. ^ Formerly, site of snowshed.
  20. ^ Named for Laughton Glacier, which lies about 1.4 miles (2.3 km) to the southeast of this station. Orth (1967). Dictionary of Alaska Place Names., at page 368 (Glacier … 1.4 mi. NW of terminus of Laughton Glacier).
  21. ^ Named for Michael J. Heney (1864-1910), labor contractor who built the White Pass railroad. Minter (1987). The White Pass., at page pp. 358-59.
  22. ^ Site of construction accident on August 3, 1898, in which two men were crushed and buried under the falling rock that now rests there. Mulvihill (2000). White Pass & Yukon Route Handbook., at page 33.
  23. ^ Named for rocks overhanging tracks. Mulvihill (2000). White Pass & Yukon Route Handbook., at page 32.
  24. ^ Named for Denver Glacier, which lies about 3 miles (4.8 km) to the east of this station. Mulvihill (2000). White Pass & Yukon Route Handbook., at page 27.
  25. ^ Named after boulders located in the Skagway River here. Mulvihill (2000). White Pass & Yukon Route Handbook., at page 26.