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Frente de Estudiantes Sindicalistas

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The Frente de Estudiantes Sindicalistas (FES) (English: Front of Syndicalist Students) was a Spanish student group belonging to the Falangist minority opposition to the Francoist regime.

Founded in 1963 in Madrid,[1] the FES was led by Jorge Perales, Sigfredo Hillers [es] and José Real.[2] Initially operating as the student arm of the Frente Nacional de Trabajadores (FNT; "National Front of Workers"), its mottos were Falange sí, Movimiento no ("Yes to Falange, No to Movement"); Falange sí, dictadura no ("Yes to Falange, no to dictatorship") and Por la reconstrucción de Falange ("For the re-building of Falange").[1] It eventually developed intense conflict with its matrix organization, the FNT, led by Narciso Perales,[3] that transformed into the Revolutionary Syndicalist Front.[2]

The FES was the seed of Falange Española Independiente (FEI).[4]

Prime Minister of Spain José María Aznar,[5] Audiencia Nacional judge Nicolás Poveda Peñas,[6] Juan Fernández Krohn[7] and Juan Diego[8] were members of the organization.


  1. ^ a b Casals Meseguer 2009, p. 238.
  2. ^ a b Rodríguez Jiménez 1994, p. 100.
  3. ^ Payne 1987, p. 524.
  4. ^ "Democracia y libertad, palabras fetiche para los partidos políticos en España". La Vanguardia. 22 November 2016.
  5. ^ Casals Meseguer 2009, p. 242; Ruiz Carnicer 2013, p. 397.
  6. ^ "Prensa hoy: Altos cargos de la Generalitat dan parte de su sueldo a Puigdemont". 3 March 2018.
  7. ^ El frustrado agresor del Papa, en Fátima, un hombre brillante y vehemente
  8. ^ Martínez, Luis (11 April 2014). "'Vivimos en un país fallido'". El Mundo.

