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Draft:Markus von Boxich

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Marcus von Boxich or Marko Bozić was an Imperial and Royal Major General.[1]

Marko Bozić was a Croatian Serb born in Sviniarevze in the Slavonian Military Frontier also known as Brooder district in 1756. At the outbreak of the Bavarian War of Succession he was a cadet in the Brooder border regiment, and in 1783 he joined the general staff as a first lieutenant. He became a captain in 1789, a major in 1794, and a lieutenant colonel in 1799 in the Szluin border regiment, and only found the opportunity to distinguish himself in front of the enemy in the Napoleonic Wars in 1805 and 1809,[2]. In the latter year he fell in the Battle of Raab (1809)[3] at the head of his regiment. He did not live to hear of his appointment as major general.

He died a heroic death near Raab on 7 May 1809.


  • Austrian Military Conversational Dictionary. Edited by Hirtenfeld and Dr. Meynert (Vienna 1851) I. Vol. p. 483.

