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Clifton Johnson bibliography

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Clifton Johnson, circa 1900
Clifton Johnson, circa 1900

This is a list of works by Clifton Johnson, American author, illustrator, and photographer. The works are divided into sections based on Johnson's role in publication.

Author and illustrator

Year Title Publisher Note
1890 Picturesque Hampshire Wade, Warner Author in part. Edited by C.F. Warner
1891 Picturesque Franklin[1]
1892 Picturesque Hampden East[2] W. F. Adams 2 volumes. Author in part
Picturesque Hampden West[3]
1893 New England Country[4] Lee & Shepard Reprinted by Lee & Shepard in 1894, 1896, 1897, and 1898
The Country School in New England[5] D. Appleton & Company
Picturesque Berkshire North[6] The W.F. Adams Co. 2 volumes. Author in part. Edited by C. F. Warner
Picturesque Berkshire South[7]
The Seasons Bryant Press
1894 The Farmer's Boy[8] D. Appleton & Company
1896 What They Say in New England[9] Lee & Shepard Reprinted by Columbia University Press with an introduction by Carl Withers in 1963
1897 The Book of Country Clouds and Sunshine[10]
An Unredeemed Captive[11] Griffith, Axtell, and Cady
1899 Among English Hedgerows[12] Macmillan Publishers Reprinted by Chautauqua Press with an introduction by Hamilton W. Mabie in 1914, and by Macmillan in 1925
1900 Along French Byways[13]
1901 The Isle of Shamrock[14]
1902 New England and its Neighbors[15] Reprinted by Macmillan in 1912
1903 The Land of Heather[16]
1904 Old-Time Schools and School-Books[17] Reprinted by Macmillan in 1917, by Peter Smith in 1935, by Columbia University Press with an introduction by Carl Withers in 1963, and by Westphalia Press with an introduction by Rahima Schwenkbeck in 2014
Highways and Byways of the South[18] Reprinted in 1905 by Macmillan
1906 Highways and Byways of the Mississippi Valley[19]
Highways and Byways of the Rocky Mountains"[20] Reprinted by Macmillan in 1910
1907 The Farmer's Boy[21] Thomas Y. Crowell Co. Revised edition
The Country School[22]
1908 The Highways and Byways of the Pacific Coast[23] Macmillan Publishers Reprinted by Macmillan in 1913
1909 The Picturesque Hudson[24]
1910 The Picturesque St. Lawrence[25]
1911 Highways and Byways of the Great Lakes[26]
1913 Highways and Byways from the St. Lawrence to Virginia[27]
1915 Highways and Byways of New England[28] Reprinted by Macmillan in 1921
Highways and Byways of California[29] Reprint, with a new title page, of Highways and Byways of the Pacific Coast, 1908. Reprinted by Macmillan in 1926
1917 New England: A Human Interest Geographical Reader[30]
1918 Highways and Byways of Florida[31]
1919 What to See in America[32] Reprinted by Macmillan in 1920
1922 John Burroughs Talks[33] Houghton Mifflin Biography of John Burroughs
1932 Historic Hampshire in the Connecticut Valley Milton Bradley
1936 Hampden County 1636-1936 American Historical Society 3 volumes


Year Title Publisher Note
1891 Wonderful deeds and doings of little giant Boab and his talking raven Tabib Lee & Shepard By Ingersoll Lockwood
1892 Little Captain Doppelkop
1895 The Natural History of Selborne[34][35] D. Appleton & Company By Gilbert White. 2 volumes
1896 A Year in the Fields[36] Houghton Mifflin by John Burroughs
A Window in Thrums[37] Dodd, Mead & Co. by J. M. Barrie
Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush[38] by Ian Maclaren
The Days of Auld Lang Syne[39]
1897 Irish Idylls By Jane Barlow. Reprinted by Dodd, Mead & Co. in 1917
Being a Boy[40] Houghton Mifflin By Charles Dudley Warner. Reprinted by Houghton Mifflin in 1905
1898 A Child's History of England by Charles Dickens
1900 Lorna Doone[41] Harper & Brothers, Publisher by R. D. Blackmore
Vesty of the Basins by Sarah Pratt McLean Greene
1903 An English Village[42] Little, Brown and Company A new edition of Wild Life in a Southern County by Richard Jefferies
1907 Old paths and legends of the New England border: Connecticut, Deerfield, Berkshire[43] G.P. Putnam's Sons by Katherine Mixer Abbott. Johnson contributed two illustrations
1908 Cape Cod[44] Thomas Y. Crowell, Co. by Henry David Thoreau
1909 The Maine Woods[45]
1910 Walden[46]
In the Catskills[47] Houghton Mifflin by John Burroughs
1911 A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers[48] Thomas Y. Crowell, Co. by Henry David Thoreau
1912 Stories of the Hudson[49] Dodge Publishing Company by Washington Irving
1913 Excursions[50] Thomas. Y Crowell Co. by Henry David Thoreau
1917 Years of My Youth[51] Harper & Brothers, Publisher by William Dean Howells


Year Title Publisher Note
1899[52] The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha Macmillan Publishers By Miguel de Cervantes
1903 A boy on a farm: at work and at play[53] American Book Company by Jacob Abbott
1904 The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe[54] Macmillan Publishers By Daniel Defoe. Reprinted by Little, Brown and Company in 1925
Gulliver's Travels[55] by Jonathan Swift. Reprinted by Doubleday Page & Company in 1912
Arabian Nights' Entertainments [56] Reprinted by Baker and Taylor in 1910
1905 The Oak-Tree Fairy Book[57] Little, Brown and Company Reprinted by Little, Brown and Company in 1913
Waste Not, Want Not Stories [58] American Book Company by Maria Edgeworth
1906 The Birch-Tree Fairy Book [59] Little, Brown and Company Illustrated by Willard Bonte
1907 The Tale of a Black Cat Dodge Publishing Company
The Story of Two Boys American Book Company by Thomas Day. Originally published as The History of Sandford and Merton
1908 The Elm-Tree Fairy Book[60] Little, Brown and Company Republished by Little, Brown and Company in 1917 and in 1919
Songs Everyone Should Know[61] American Book Company
1910 Narrative Bible for Young People Baker and Taylor
1911 Mother Goose Rhymes[62]
Little Folks Books of Verse[63]
1912 The Fir-Tree Fairy Book[64] Little, Brown and Company
Artemus Ward's Best Stories[65] Harper & Brothers, Publisher with an introduction by W. D. Howells; illustrated by Frank A. Nankivell
1913 Fairy-Tale Bears[66] Houghton Mifflin
Fairy-Tale Foxes[67]
1916 Canoeing in the Wilderness[68] Houghton Mifflin by Henry David Thoreau. Illustrated by Will Hammell
Adventures of a Country Boy's[69] American Book Company by Jacob Abbott
Water Babies[70] Macmillan Publishers by Charles Kingsley
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table by Thomas Malory
1917 Mother Goose Rhymes My Children Love Best Lloyd Adams Noble same as Mother Goose Rhymes, 1911, with several pages added
Poems my Children Love Best[71] Reprinted by Lloyd Adams Noble in 1919
Bible Stories my Children Love Best[72]
The Story of Johnny-Cake Dodge Publishing Company
1918 Alice in Wonderland [73] American Book Company by Lewis Carroll
1919 and 1920 The Babes in the Woods [74] The Macaulay Company Bedtime Wonder Tales. 15 volumes. Each book contains title story and several others. Reprinted by Cupples & Leon Company in 1924, and by Goldsmith in 1935.
The Brave Tin Soldier[76]
The Fox and the Little Red Hen[77]
Golden Hair and the Three Bears
Jack and the Beanstalk[79]
Little Red Riding Hood
The Pied Piper
Puss in Boots
St. George and the Dragon
The Sleeping Beauty
The Story of Chicken-Licken
Tom Thumb
1921 Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know Milton Bradley Published under pseudonym of Anna Tweed
1924 Reynard the Fox Milton Bradley

Editor and Illustrator

Year Title Publisher Note
1897 The District School as It Was[80] Lee & Shepard by Warren Burton
1909 Historic Hadley: A Quarter Centennial Souvenir[81] F.A. Bassette Souvenir Publishing Co.
Old Hadley Quarter Millennial Celebration[82]
Katahdin and Chesuncook[83] Thomas Y. Crowell by Henry David Thoreau
1928 The District School As It Was


Year Title Publisher Note
1909 The Fair Story Book Transcript Publishing Co. Holyoke, Mass. Edited by Mrs. William G. Dwight. Johnson contributed one chapter
1911 Studies of Famous Statesmen and Other Essays by William Whiting. Johnson authored two chapters
1915 Battleground adventures, the stories of dwellers on the scenes of conflict in some of the most notable battles of the civil war, collected in personal interviews[84] Houghton Mifflin. Illustrated by Rodney Thomson
1924 Hudson Maxim, Reminiscences and Comments, as Reported by Clifton Johnson Doubleday Page & Company
1927 The Parson's Devil: The Life of George M. Stearns Johnson's Bookstore Illustrated by Peter Newell
The Rise of an American Inventor: Hudson Maxim's Life Story Doubleday Page & Company Reprint of Hudson Maxim, Reminiscences and Comments, as Reported by Clifton Johnson, 1924
1936 Hampden County, 1636-1936 American Historical Society Three-volume history and biographical encyclopedia of Greater Springfield
1938 Sailing for Gold G.P. Putnam's Sons


  1. ^ "Picturesque Franklin"
  2. ^ "Picturesque Hampden Part I East"
  3. ^ "Picturesque Hampden Part II West"
  4. ^ "The New England Country"
  5. ^ "The Country School in New England"
  6. ^ "Picturesque Berkshire Parts I and II"
  7. ^ "Picturesque Berkshire Parts I and II"
  8. ^ "The Farmer's Boy
  9. ^ "What they say in New England"
  10. ^ "A book of country clouds and sunshine"
  11. ^ "An unredeemed captive"
  12. ^ "Among English Hedgerows"
  13. ^ "Along French Byways"
  14. ^ "The Isle of Shamrock"
  15. ^ "New England and its Neighbors"
  16. ^ "The Land of Heather"
  17. ^ "Old-Time Schools and School-Books"
  18. ^ "Highways and Byways of the South"
  19. ^ "Highways and Byways of the Mississippi Valley"
  20. ^ "Highways and Byways of the Rocky Mountains"
  21. ^ "The Farmer's Boy"
  22. ^ "The Country School"
  23. ^ "Highways and Byways of the Pacific Coast"
  24. ^ "The Picturesque Hudson"
  25. ^ "The Picturesque St. Lawrence"
  26. ^ "Highways and Byways of the Great Lakes"
  27. ^ "Highways and Byways from the St. Lawrence to Virginia"
  28. ^ "Highways and Byways of New England"
  29. ^ "Highways and Byways of California"
  30. ^ "New England: A Human Interest Geographical Reader"
  31. ^ "Highways and Byways of Florida"
  32. ^ "What to See in America"
  33. ^ "John Burroughs Talks"
  34. ^ "Natural History of Selborne vol.1"
  35. ^ "Natural History of Selborne Vol.2"
  36. ^ "A Year in the Fields"
  37. ^ "A Window in Thrums"
  38. ^ "Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush"
  39. ^ "The Days of Auld Lang Syne"
  40. ^ "Being a Boy"
  41. ^ "Lorna Doone"
  42. ^ "An English Village"
  43. ^ "Old Paths and Legends of the New England Border"
  44. ^ "Cape Cod"
  45. ^ "The Maine Woods"
  46. ^ "Walden"
  47. ^ "In the Catskills"
  48. ^ "A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers"
  49. ^ "Stories of the Hudson"
  50. ^ "Excursions"
  51. ^ "Years of my Youth"
  52. ^ "Don Quixote"
  53. ^ "A Boy on a Farm"
  54. ^ "Robinson Crusoe"
  55. ^ "Gulliver's Travels"
  56. ^ "The Arabian Nights' Entertainment (1915)"
  57. ^ "The Oak-Tree Fairy Book"
  58. ^ "Waste Not, Want Not Stories"
  59. ^ "The Birch-Tree Fairy Book"
  60. ^ "The Elm-Tree Fairy Book"
  61. ^ "Songs Every One Should Know"
  62. ^ "Mother Goose Rhymes"
  63. ^ "Little Folks' Book of Verse"
  64. ^ "The Fir-Tree Fairy Book"
  65. ^ "Artemus Ward's Best Stories"
  66. ^ "Fairy-Tale Bears"
  67. ^ "Fairy-Tale Foxes"
  68. ^ "Canoeing in the Wilderness"
  69. ^ "Adventures of a Country's Boy"
  70. ^ "Water-Babies"
  71. ^ "Poems My Children Love Best of All"
  72. ^ "Bible Stories My Children Love Best of All
  73. ^ "Alice in Wonderland
  74. ^ "The Babes in the Woods"
  75. ^ "Bluebeard"
  76. ^ "The Brave Tin Soldier
  77. ^ "The Fox and the Little Red Hen
  78. ^ "Hop-o'-my-thumb"
  79. ^ "Jack and the Beanstalk"
  80. ^ "The District School as It Was"
  81. ^ "Historic Hadley: Quarter Millennial Souvenir
  82. ^ "Old Hadley Quareter Millennial Celebration"
  83. ^ "Katahdin and Chesuncook"
  84. ^ "Battleground Adventures"
  • Withers, C. (1963). What They Say in New England. Columbia University Press