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Draft:Black market in wartime France/translation in progress

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  • Banque de France:
  • Charles Braibant: In 1943 director of the Ministry of Marine's library
  • colis familiaux: food boxes
  • Contrôle économique:
  • Departement de la Seine: Paris region
  • Departement de Seine-et-Oise: encircled Paris
  • Jacques Doriot: Le cri du peuple
  • Drouand: luxury restaurant in Paris
  • Hermann Göring: Reichsmarschall[1]
  • Hans Richard Hemmen German trade representative involved in armistice negotiations
  • hors categorie:
  • Hotel Claridge:
  • 'Controle Economique: previously Ministry of Finance
  • Jean Galtier-Boissiere:
  • Hotel Majestic: HQ of the
  • Francois de Menthon:French law professor, prosecutor at Nuremberg
  • La Coupole restaurant on Boulevard Montparnasse
  • La Pérouse: Paris restaurant
  • La Tour d'Argent: Paris restaurant
  • La Villette: Paris slaughterhouse
    • Louis Carton: luxury restaurant in Paris
  • Maxim's: Paris restaurant
  • Menton: Italian occupation zome
  • Jean Moulin:Resistance leader
  • Ernst Jünger:
  • One Two Two: reknowned brother run by Marcel Jamet
  • Organization Todt:
  • paquet: lit. packet; food box
  • Police Economique:
  • Prefecture de Police:
  • Ravitaillement Generale:
  • repression des fraudes: enforcement of laws against the black market
  • restaurant communitaires: founded by Vichy to feed those unable to afford restaurants
  • Jean de Sailly:
  • Service des Controles des prix:
  • systeme D: fr. se debrouiller
  • Wehrmacht: German Army

Generalisation and democratisation (fall 1941 to 1943)


All text moved to mainspace Elinruby (talk) 20:49, 23 August 2023 (UTC)

After the Liberation (1944-1949)


Historical memory


Collective unconscious and cultural roots


Marcel Aymé


Two major works


La Traversée de Paris


Au bon beurre



  1. ^ La Capitale de la Faim: Black Market Restaurants in Paris, 1940–1944, Kenneth Mouré, French Historical Studies, Vol. 38, No. 2 (April 2015) doi:10.1215/00161071-2842590


Copy of the Bibliography from the current version of Black market in wartime France, in order to resolve citations above.