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Satyrus actaea,
Languedoc-Roussillon, France
Lethe appalachia (syn. Satyrodes appalachia), Virginia, United States
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Nymphalidae
Subfamily: Satyrinae
Tribe: Satyrini
Boisduval, 1833
approximately 220 genera, 2200 species
Toothed satyr
Praepronophila petronius, Colombia

The Satyrini is one of the tribes of the subfamily Satyrinae. It includes about 2200 species and is therefore the largest tribe in the subfamily which comprises 2500 species.[2]



Satyrini butterflies have a worldwide distribution, but the distribution pattern differs between subtribes. Some subtribes are almost restricted to a single biogeographic region, such as the Pronophilina, which is found only in Andean cloud forests from Venezuela to Bolivia.[2]



The larval food plants of many species in this tribe are grasses, i.e. Poaceae. It is considered that the Satyrini diversified at about the same time as the grasses did, and that the radiation of the tribe is therefore closely related to the evolution of the grasses.[2][3]

In contrast, the tribe has a few genera which show uncommon feeding preferences.[3] Three genera, Euptychia, Ragadia and Acrophtalmia, feed on Lycopsida, and moreover, some species of Euptychia have been reported to feed on mosses of Neckeraceae. This is interesting cases as these genera are not considered to be very closely related to each other.[4]


Pararge aegeria , Portugal
Lethe europa pavida, Taiwan
Mycalesis francisca formosana, Taiwan
Coelites epiminthia, Malaysia
Ragadia makuta, Malaysia
Coenonympha oedippus, Japan
Euptychia westwoodi, Panama
Erebia ligea takanonis, Japan
Maniola telmessia, Turkey
Melanargia galathea, UK
Lasiophila sp., Peru
Ypthima baldus, India
Calisto herophile, Cuba

The taxonomy of the subfamily Satyrinae has recently undergone a significant revision. Peña et al. (2006) showed that most of the traditionally well known group are paraphyletic or polyphyletic and developed a new taxonomy, based on molecular phylogenetic. The classification scheme transferred many genera traditionally placed in the Elymniini to the Satyrini,[5] and later studies have largely followed this classification.[6][7] Thus, the Satyrini is now considered to include the genera previously placed in the Elymniini, such as Lethe, Pararge and Mycalesis.[1] However, the phylogenetic statuses of some subtribes within the tribe are still unclear and the revision of the classification is likely to continue.[7]

According to Wahlberg (2019), the Satyrini includes the following subtribes and genera:

Parargina Moore, 1893
Lethina Reuter, 1896
Mycalesina Reuter, 1896
Eritina Miller, 1968
Ragadiina Herrich-Schäffer, 1864
Coenonymphina Tutt, 1896
Euptychiina Reuter, 1896
Erebiina Tutt, 1896
Maniolina Grote, 1897
Melanargiina Wheeler, 1903
Pronophilina Reuter, 1896
Satyrina Boisduval, 1833
Ypthimina Reuter, 1896
subtribe uncertain
Table for representative higher level classifications of satyrines in Peña et al. (2006)
(excerpts with some modifications[a])
Miller (1968) Harvey (1991) Peña et al. (2006)
Family Satyridae Subfamily Satyrinae Satyrinae
Subfamily Elymniinae Tribe Elymniini Elymniini
Tribe Elymniini Subtribe Elymniiti
  • Genera
  • Elymnias
  • Elymniopsis
  • Genera
  • Elymnias
  • Elymniopsis
Tribe Lethini Subtribe Lethiti
  • Genera
  • Aeropetes
  • Paralethe
  • Enodia
  • Lethe
  • Neope
  • Satyrodes
  • Kirinia
  • Lasiommata
  • Lopinga
  • Pararge
  • Ethope
  • Neorina
  • Genera
  • Aeropetes
  • Paralethe
  • Enodia
  • Lethe
  • Neope
  • Satyrodes
  • Kirinia
  • Lasiommata
  • Lopinga
  • Pararge
  • Ethope
  • Neorina
Tribe Mycalesini Subtribe Mycalesiti
  • Genera
  • Bicyclus
  • Hallelesis
  • Henotesia
  • Mycalesis
  • Orsotriaena
  • Genera
  • Bicyclus
  • Hallelesis
  • Henotesia
  • Mycalesis
  • Orsotriaena
Tribe Zetherini Subtribe Zetheriti
  • Genus
  • Zethera
  • Zethera
Tribe Zetherini
  • Genera
Subfamily Biinae Tribe Biini Melanitini
Tribe Melanitini Subtribe Melanititi
  • Genera
  • Gnophodes
  • Melanitis
  • Genera
  • Gnophodes
  • Melanitis
Tribe tribe uncertain Tribe tribe uncertain
  • Genus
  • Manataria
  • Genera
  • Manataria
Subfamily Haeterinae Tribe Haeterini Haeterini
Tribe Haeterini
  • Genera
  • Cithaerias
  • Haetera
  • Pierella
  • Pseudohaetera
  • Genera
  • Cithaerias
  • Haetera
  • Pierella
  • Pseudohaetera
Subfamily Satyrinae Tribe Satyrini Satyrini
Subtribe Parargina
  • Genera
Subtribe Lethina
  • Genera
Subtribe Mycalesina
  • Genera
Tribe Coenonymphini Subtribe Coenonymphiti Coenonymphina
  • Genera
  • Coenonympha
  • Aphantopus
  • Genera
  • Coenonympha
  • Aphantopus
Tribe Hypocystini Subtribe Hypocystiti
  • Genera
  • Argyrophenga
  • Dodonidia
  • Erebiola
  • Geitoneura
  • Heteronympha
  • Hypocysta
  • Lamprolenis
  • Nesoxenica
  • Oreixenica
  • Percnodaimon
  • Tisiphone
  • Zipaetis
  • Genera
  • Argyrophenga
  • Dodonidia
  • Erebiola
  • Geitoneura
  • Heteronympha
  • Hypocysta
  • Lamprolenis
  • Nesoxenica
  • Oreixenica
  • Percnodaimon
  • Tisiphone
  • Zipaetis
Tribe Euptychiini Subtribe Euptychiiti Euptychiina
  • Genera
  • Caeruleuptychia
  • Cepheuptychia
  • Chloreuptychia
  • Cissia
  • Cyllopsis
  • Erichthodes
  • Euptychia
  • Euptychoides
  • Forsterinaria
  • Godartiana
  • Harjesia
  • Hermeuptychia
  • Moneuptychia
  • Neonympha
  • Oressinoma
  • Paramacera
  • Parataygetis
  • Pareuptychia
  • Paryphthimoides
  • Pharneuptychia
  • Pindis
  • Posttaygetis
  • Oressinoma
  • Rareuptychia
  • Splendeuptychia
  • Taygetis
  • Yphthimoides
  • Genera
  • Caeruleuptychia
  • Cepheuptychia
  • Chloreuptychia
  • Cissia
  • Cyllopsis
  • Erichthodes
  • Euptychia
  • Euptychoides
  • Forsterinaria
  • Godartiana
  • Harjesia
  • Hermeuptychia
  • Moneuptychia
  • Neonympha
  • Oressinoma
  • Paramacera
  • Parataygetis
  • Pareuptychia
  • Paryphthimoides
  • Pharneuptychia
  • Pindis
  • Posttaygetis
  • Oressinoma
  • Rareuptychia
  • Splendeuptychia
  • Taygetis
  • Yphthimoides
Tribe tribe uncertain Subtribe subtribe uncertain subtribe uncertain
  • Genus
  • Palaeonympha
  • Genera
  • Palaeonympha
Tribe Ypthimini Subtribe Ypthimiti Ypthimina
  • Genera
  • Neocoenyra
  • Ypthima
  • Ypthimomorpha
  • Genera
  • Neocoenyra
  • Ypthima
  • Ypthimomorpha
Tribe Melanargiini Subtribe Melanargiiti Melanargiina
  • Genus
  • Melanargia
  • Genus
  • Melanargia
Tribe Maniolini Subtribe Manioliti Maniolina
  • Genera
  • Cercyonis
  • Hyponephele
  • Maniola
  • Pyronia
  • Genera
  • Cercyonis
  • Hyponephele
  • Maniola
  • Pyronia
Tribe Pronophilini Subtribe Pronophiliti Pronophilina
  • Genera
  • Amphidecta
  • Corades
  • Daedalma
  • Eteona
  • Junea
  • Lasiophila
  • Lymanopoda
  • Oxeoschistus
  • Panyapedaliodes
  • Parapedaliodes
  • Pedaliodes
  • Praepedaliodes
  • Proboscis
  • Pronophila
  • Pseudomaniola
  • Punapedaliodes
  • Steremnia
  • Steroma
  • Idioneurula
  • Manerebia
  • Argyrophorus
  • Quilaphoetosus
  • Auca
  • Chillanella
  • Cosmosatyrus
  • Elina
  • Etcheverrius
  • Nelia
  • Pampasatyrus
  • Genera
  • Amphidecta
  • Corades
  • Daedalma
  • Eteona
  • Junea
  • Lasiophila
  • Lymanopoda
  • Oxeoschistus
  • Panyapedaliodes
  • Parapedaliodes
  • Pedaliodes
  • Praepedaliodes
  • Proboscis
  • Pronophila
  • Pseudomaniola
  • Punapedaliodes
  • Steremnia
  • Steroma
  • Idioneurula
  • Manerebia
  • Argyrophorus
  • Quilaphoetosus
  • Auca
  • Chillanella
  • Cosmosatyrus
  • Elina
  • Etcheverrius
  • Nelia
  • Pampasatyrus
Tribe Erebiini Subtribe Erebiiti Erebiina
  • Genus
  • Erebia
  • Genus
  • Erebia
Tribe Satyrini Subtribe Satyriti Satyrina
  • Genera
  • Arethusana
  • Berberia
  • Brintesia
  • Chazara
  • Hipparchia
  • Karanasa
  • Neominois
  • Oeneis
  • Paralasa
  • Pseudochazara
  • Satyrus
  • Genera
  • Arethusana
  • Berberia
  • Brintesia
  • Chazara
  • Hipparchia
  • Karanasa
  • Neominois
  • Oeneis
  • Paralasa
  • Pseudochazara
  • Satyrus
Tribe tribe uncertain
  • Genera


  1. ^ Lamas (2004) was excluded because it only listed genera distributed in the Neotropics. Also, note that the table does not include all subtribes of this tribe (e.g. there are not subtribes Eritina, Ragadiina and tribe Dirini), and some genera have been further reclassified (e.g. Aeropetes and Paralethe from Melanitini to Dirini, Orsotriaena and Zipaetis from Coenonymphina to Eritina) or synonymized (e.g. Satyrodes was synonymized with Lethe), since Peña et al. (2006).[1]





